Wedded to the Warriors Page 15
“Everything ok in that head of yours, little one?”
“It’s fine,” she said and lifted the wineglass to her lips in order to cover the likely guilty expression that painted her face.
“Can one of you show me where the bathroom is?” she said, as nonchalantly as she possibly could. She kept her eyes on her hands, nervous all of a sudden.
“I’ll take you,” Cole offered. “Follow me, sweetheart.” He led her down a short hallway and pointed to a door. “Here’s the ladies’ room. I’ll be waiting right here for you.”
She entered the restroom and it wasn’t until she noticed the window leading to the outside that she made her decision. Much as her men intrigued her, she wanted to go back to Earth, back to her annoying but lovable family that had taken care of her no matter what. She wanted her friends back and her old life.
She was going to escape and find Rhys and Trev. They’d take her home. Away from this alien planet, away from the confusion that enveloped her mind and back to the safety of Earth. With a smile, she climbed out the window and into the back alley, determined to find the brothers.
Chapter Ten
Luke leaned back in his chair, putting his feet up on the table. Tobias gave him a judgmental look and he shrugged.
“Damn, man, can life get any better? I mean, our mate is sexy as hell and we get to take her to bed every night. Fuck her whenever we want. And she loves every second of it. Who’s better than us?”
Even though she was out of his sight, he fantasized about her lush curvy body grinding against his lap, her delightful folds rubbing against his cock. Just that simple thought caused his shaft to harden and he groaned softly at the sudden tightness. He craved to sink his massive girth deep in her channel, claiming her and giving her exactly what she needed. He’d take her again and again, until she begged him to stop, exhaustion taking over her body.
With a smirk, he adjusted himself, but it didn’t help in the slightest. He wouldn’t find relief until he had his woman that night. He wondered if she would play hard to get and if she did, he’d have to turn her naughty bottom over his knee. He’d show her that he was in charge and that he knew what her body craved, even if she didn’t. Speaking of that sexy little minx, where the hell was she? He wanted to run his hands along her soft skin and tell her exactly what he was going to do to her the second they returned to their chambers.
“Shouldn’t they be back by now? I hate the fact that she’s left my sight,” he said grumpily and Tobias grunted his assent.
“I’m sure everything is fine. They’ll be back any second.”
Luke waited a few more minutes, before turning back to look down the hall Cole and Aimee had disappeared to. He had no doubt his fellow captain could handle her, but that didn’t ease his need for her. He grinned when he saw Cole round the corner, but a sense of urgency quickly came over him when he saw the man’s worried expression.
“She’s gone! She slipped out the bathroom window!”
“What?!?!” Tobias and Luke both roared at the same time.
“I can track her, see where she went.” Arto came forward, emerging out of his hiding place in one of the corners of the room.
“When I get my hands on that woman, she’s not going to be able to sit for a week,” Tobias growled, the scowl on his face larger than Luke had ever seen before.
“You’ve got that right,” Luke agreed and Cole nodded as well.
The three of them, along with Arto raced out of the ballroom and into the night. Luke was thankful for the big brown bear that evening. His sense of smell was stronger than any other species on Ollorin. He easily found the window that led from the women’s bathroom to outside and then followed a path through an alleyway to the back of the massive dome building. What the hell had she been doing back here?
He didn’t see her anywhere, but saw a dark vehicle speed off into the sky. He saw a face peek back in one of the back windows and growled when he realized who it was. Rhys was staring back at him with a wicked smile. There was no doubt in his mind that the evil pair had kidnapped his gorgeous wife, probably for some sort of financial gain.
Aimee had no idea who these men were. Luke certainly did.
Rhys and Trev had originally served in the Ollorin fleet side by side with him, Tobias, and Cole. One day, they had been attacked by a neighboring planet and had needed to take the defensive in order to fend them off.
Luke remembered that day, down to the last minute detail. Deep in the throes of battle, both Trev and Rhys had volunteered to fly a ship onto the front lines, in order to take down the main power supply of an attacking mothership. By taking out this source, the enemy’s impenetrable shields would power down, leaving the massive vessel defenseless.
He had watched the two men fly off in a small Ollorin jet, with bated breath. It was a dangerous mission and he wasn’t quite sure what they would do next if Rhys and Trev failed. At this point, they hadn’t been able to identify where the enemy came from, which made this particular job even more precarious.
The closer the two men flew, the more nervous he became, until all at once, a laser shot from the massive enemy ship, aiming right for the much smaller Ollorin one. Lightning crackled around the ship, silvery in color. Luke paled at the sight.
He’d only seen this type of attack once in his life and only one type of enemy used it. The Jurgorgs from planet Kralsania were a terrifying sight for those who had never seen them before. They were a race of humanoid-like aliens that sported only one eye, with flesh the color of decaying lavender. They heard sound through a series of delicate folds of skin on the tops of their heads. This particular race had a particularly grim outlook on life, believing that everything in the universe was out to kill them and that everything, even a freaking rock, was alive. They had a profound gift for constructing biological machines, which resulted in the attack he was witnessing at that very moment. Regardless of the nervous feeling that raced through him, they had attacked the Ollorin fleet and if he had any say, they were going down. His soldiers would fight until the bitter end, doing whatever it took to save their people.
The lightning was in fact not an electric shock, but a stream of heavily fortified nanoparticle machines. Once these tiny robots made their way into a victim’s bloodstream, the man was no longer completely human, but part machine. As a general rule, those affected were discharged from combat and monitored closely for the rest of their lives.
Rhys and Trev’s vessel continued to crawl forward, despite the onslaught of alien technology and suddenly, a bright laser emerged from the front of their ship, shooting through the nanoparticle attack. As a result, the vessel jolted forward through a small clear patch of space and repeated this pattern until it hovered directly underneath the much larger enemy craft.
Luke had narrowed his eyes and watched closely as one final laser emerged from the Ollorin ship, making contact with a small pod that jutted out from underneath the big enemy convoy. He saw the Jurgorgs’ ship’s thick shields flicker once, then twice, before sputtering out to nothing. Pumping his fist into the air, he shouted with victory.
Not long after, Tobias had sent out rescue ships to fetch Rhys and Trev, bringing them back to safety. Cole had been one of the men to fly out to them and had brought them back personally, accompanied by other ships for added protection.
Tobias had then overseen the takeover of the Jurgorgs’ ship and after everything was finished, Rhys and Trev were celebrated as heroes by his orders. The longer time went on, the more Luke realized that something was off with the way they acted. They’d never been quite the same since that mission. Once they’d returned home, the two brothers had been suspected in several domestic violence cases and when given another chance on a military mission to secure supplies on a nearby planet, they’d been caught taking advantage of a young woman in the worst possible way. Tobias had no choice after that and had discharged the two, although with honorable mention.
Since that day
, they’d monitored Rhys and Trev and although Luke was sure they were involved with multiple sleazy ventures, they covered their tracks with incredible care. No one was quite sure of the abilities the two had gained since being exposed to the Jurgorgs’ technology. All they knew was that they were some sort of cyborg, an alien and computer hybrid that had incredible self-healing capabilities.
And now they had his mate.
They were going to pay, once and for all. He wouldn’t rest until they did.
Chapter Eleven
Tears coursed down Aimee’s cheeks as she held a hand over her throbbing jaw. Having snuck out of the bathroom window, she had quickly made her way behind the dome building in order to meet Trev and Rhys. They’d been there waiting, with a large suburban-type vehicle that hovered in the air similar to the ones she’d ridden in previously in the company of her mates.
Rhys was leaning against it and a broad dangerous grin came over his lips. He tossed back his head, a soft chuckle sounding out in the silent alley. Standing in front of him, she suddenly felt sick. Maybe she had made the wrong decision after all… She moved forward slightly with a nervous swallow.
Without warning, Rhys’s hand swung around, hitting her square in the jaw and knocking her to the ground with a yelp. Black spots circled around in her vision and she tried blinking quickly to clear her sight. Behind her, Trev’s arms came out of nowhere and twisted a black bag over her head, cutting off her vision entirely. She screamed when one of them picked her up and tossed her into the back of the car, then slammed the door closed with a shout of victory.
“Stupid bitch,” Trev’s gruff voice said, cackling with laughter.
“She’s going to make us a ton of money when we sell her to the Jurgorgs. They’ll buy her in a second. Human slaves are hard for them to come by and they certainly don’t have many with an ass like that.”
“Maybe we should fuck her too? Test out the goods before sending her on her way?” Trev asked excitedly. She whimpered softly.
“Good thinking, brother. I bet her pussy is nice and tight, probably really nice to sink balls deep into,” Rhys laughed dangerously.
“Please don’t hurt me,” she cried out.
“Shut up down there. A woman like you should be seen and never heard, ready to serve her owner at a moment’s notice. In fact, you should show us what a good slave you’ll be by opening your mouth and sucking my dick,” Trev growled. One of them ripped the hood off her head and she cried out as her scalp was ripped backwards by her hair. It hurt and not in a good way.
Rhys held her still, stopping her from struggling with an iron-like grip on her hair. Her scalp prickled with pain and lights danced before her eyes. Beginning to feel dizzy and sick to her stomach, she sobbed when Trev began to undo the belt of his jeans, lowering his zipper painstakingly slowly.
“Don’t!” she cried, her body shaking slightly with her sobs.
All at once, the three of them pitched forward as the car came to a sudden stop.
“What the fuck?!” Rhys shouted.
Gunshots rang out and the engine hissed, before puttering out into silence. The hovering capabilities of the car failed and the entire frame crashed onto the ground. Grunting with shock, Aimee luckily landed on the cushioned seat, rather than the floor. Crawling along the seat, she grabbed the door handle and threw herself against the door.
With a shout of success, she felt the door fly open. The brothers must have forgotten to lock it. Trev made a move to grab her, but she was smaller and quicker. Rhys growled, but a bullet popped the frame above him and he drew back. She didn’t know what was happening, or who had come to her rescue, but she would be forever grateful.
Now, she just needed to get away. Climbing to her feet with as much speed as she could muster, she took off in a sprint toward what looked like a quiet little market. She didn’t get far before a massive beast bounded into her way. Trying to change direction in order to avoid it, she squealed as his gruff rumbly voice stopped her in her tracks.
“Aimee, it’s alright, don’t worry. It’s me, Arto.”
“Oh, my God,” she cried out, the relief in her voice painfully clear.
“Climb up on my back and I’ll get you to safety.”
Not hesitating for a second longer, she gripped his rough fur as he pushed her up on his shoulders with a big paw. She curled her arms around his neck as the big beast took off underneath her and took stock of the damage to herself. Her jaw throbbed and her scalp prickled where Rhys had grabbed her hair, but otherwise, she was intact. Regardless, she shook with fading adrenaline and cried heavy tears as everything hit her at once.
She’d been tricked by those two awful brothers, by their promise of giving her back her old life on Earth. Instead, they were going to sell her to some other alien race as a slave. Trembling, she hated herself for her stupidity, for falling prey to their vicious scheme.
She should have trusted Tobias, Cole, and Luke to keep her safe. Yearning for their loving arms, she began to shake with nervousness at the anger she expected to see once she was returned to them. Would they hate her? Would they send her back to the detainment center and ask for a new mate?
Insecurity took over her and she sobbed all the harder.
“It’ll be alright, human. Your mates will take care of you,” Arto said softly, yet loud enough for her to hear. Gunshots sounded in the background, but Aimee cared little. Gripping the big brown bear’s fur tighter, she held on as powerful muscles pushed them away from the noisy fight behind them.
He rounded a corner and the limousine they had arrived in was waiting for them there. Arto stood on his back legs and lifted her from his shoulders.
“Get in the car. I’ll keep you safe until the situation is taken care of.”
Aimee practically flew into the car and sat down, finding herself alone. Curling her feet into her chest, she turned her head back toward the sound and gasped when several black cars flew by, heading toward the brothers. Several gunshots rang out and then, all at once, it was silent.
She sobbed as terrible thoughts came over her. What if Luke, Cole, and Tobias were killed? What if Trev and Rhys came back to find her and then force her to do things she didn’t want to do? Covering her eyes, she sobbed harder and couldn’t bring herself to look when the click of a door broke the silence around her.
“Oh, my sweet girl, it’s going to be okay,” Cole said softly.
Jerking her hands away from her face, she practically leapt into his lap and threw her arms around his neck.
“I thought… I thought they’d kill you and come back for me,” she blubbered, still weeping from the whole thing. She was in shock.
“Gorgeous, it would take way more than those pain in the ass brothers to take us down,” Luke added as he climbed in.
“I would never let those two hurt my mate, or anyone else for that matter,” a firm voice sounded and she squealed with glee as Tobias joined them too.
“You’re all safe! I’m so happy,” Aimee exclaimed and her tears gradually begin to dry up. All three men surrounded her with their arms and at that moment, she had never felt more jubilant and safe in the entirety of her life. Their palms gripped her tight, almost as if, without words, they were saying they feared for her too, and that now, they’d never let her go.
The car was silent for a long time as they all held her and her heartbeat finally fell into a normal rhythm. She wished she could take back the events of the entire night and a terrible sense of guilt ate at her insides.
“I’m so sorry,” she blurted out. “Please don’t send me away. I’ll be a better mate, I promise. Just don’t send me away,” she begged.
“Aimee, we’d never send you away. You’re our wife, our one true mate. Ollorin men mate for life and we are not about to change that,” Tobias answered, his voice firm. Cole and Luke both nodded with their agreement.
“I feel terrible for putting you all in danger. I was so scared they were the ones shoo
ting you,” she sniffed, staring down at her hands.
Tobias snapped his fingers and the car pulled off to the side of the road.
“You need to be punished, mate. Your body is calling for you to be punished for your disobedience, craving our forgiveness. Am I right?” Tobias said.
She nodded, a lump beginning to form in the back of her throat. He was right. She needed to be released from her guilt.
“Answer, mate.”
“Yes, sir,” she squeaked and her bottom tingled in anticipation of her punishment. Pressing her hands into her stomach, she tried to wipe the clammy feeling off of her palms.
“You disobeyed us, little girl and as a result, we are all going to spank you,” Cole sternly added.
“Your safety is paramount, babe and I have to agree with Cole and Tobias. You’ve earned spankings from all three of us,” Luke said, his voice firm, but a tad reluctant.
Aimee should be scared, but in actuality, she really wasn’t. The gnawing guilt deep in her chest ate at her and she doubted anything else could be as painful as that. She also knew, that once the spanking was over, she would be forgiven, that her guilt would go away. Her men would grant her that release and she craved it.
“Take off your clothes, Aimee. Luke will spank you first, then Cole, and then I will finish the first part of your punishment.”
“First part, sir?” she asked, her voice wavering with nerves.
“Yes. You’ll find out later, when we get back to our place what else happens to naughty wives who disobey her mates. Now, I want you naked. Don’t delay any longer,” Tobias ordered and she couldn’t help but notice the flutter that was beginning to throb deep in her core at his command. He was so strong, so dominant and he awakened her darker desires that she hadn’t even known existed.