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Wedded to the Warriors Page 14

“I’m Rhys. It’s an honor to meet you. Such a beauty. What’s your name, little human?” he asked, his attention completely on her. Both Tobias’s and Cole’s fists tightened on her thigh and she couldn’t help but whimper a little at the harshness of their holds.

  “My name is Aimee.”

  “This is my brother Trev,” Rhys said and the other man moved closer toward them. He moved with a slight limp and the closer he got to her, the more she noticed that he wasn’t exactly normal either. His skin shimmered at various spots with the same silvery color of Rhys’s eye. If she had to guess, these two men were part cyborg and not just usual Ollorin men. None of her mates showcased such features and that simple fact made her a little nervous, especially when she took into account the fierce grip Cole and Tobias had on her legs once they’d approached the table.

  “Very nice to meet you, Trev, Rhys,” she offered, her voice shaking slightly.

  “I would love to ask for your hand in a dance after dinner. Mind adding me to your dance card?” he asked, in some sort of warm, singsong-like tone.

  “Of course. Please come find me later,” she said politely, if a bit hesitantly and Tobias’s fist squeezed tighter, so firm that she whimpered at the sudden force. Letting out a slow breath, she then smiled forcefully as she felt her eyes gloss over with pain. She wished these men would just leave already so the commander could relax.

  “Enjoy your dinner, Aimee,” Trev’s expression darkened considerably, his voice much gruffer than she expected.

  The two men nodded back at her mates and wandered off to a nearby table. Tobias’s hand flew off her thigh and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look directly in his glowering stare. He looked angry and now it was directed straight at her. Wishing she could disappear, she whimpered a little before he began to speak.

  “If you go anywhere with those two that is not in any of our direct lines of sight, I’m going to thrash your bottom so hard that you won’t be able to sit for a solid week. Do I make myself clear, mate?”

  “Yes, sir,” she answered quietly. She searched his eyes for answers. Why did her men baulk so much at Rhys’s and Trev’s presence? What had they done to anger them so?

  “They’re not safe. I don’t trust them to be around you, even for a second,” he explained further and he finally released her chin. His touch lingered on her skin and she gulped in response to his dominating ways. Her core pulsed and her arousal dripped down her thighs. Her mind rebelled against him, yet her body relented. With a heavy sigh, she cursed her traitorous inner self and lowered her gaze to her hands.

  Not long after, waiters brought along plate after plate of food, some she recognized, most she didn’t, yet she didn’t dare ask what they were. Taking small bites here and there, she ate her fill and then some. She could still feel Tobias’s obvious tension, as all her men warily kept an eye on both Rhys and Trev.

  Instead of focusing on the strained situation she was suddenly thrust into, she sipped her wine. The servers kept coming back and refilled her glass several times, to which she didn’t protest. Cole tried to slow her down by offering her glasses of water instead, but she pushed them away and enjoyed the deliciousness that was Ollorin sweet red wine.

  With each sip, she tasted raspberries, strawberries, and other flavors she couldn’t identify, but she couldn’t get enough. Before she knew it, her skin was all tingly and she squealed when a big slice of decadent-looking chocolate cake was placed in front of her. The first bite of flavor burst over her tongue. In a very short matter of time, the entire thing had disappeared, her plate empty except for a few lingering crumbs.

  “Did you like that, little one?” Cole whispered in her ear and she nodded giddily, licking her lips to ensure she had captured every spot of chocolate that might have escaped her tongue.

  “That was delicious,” she said and then groaned out loud, realizing how full she was. She tried to take another sip of her wine but discovered she had already drunk it all. Raising her empty glass, she started to beckon over a waiter, but Cole gently pressed her hand back down to the table. Pouting, she twisted back toward him.

  “But Cole, I want more!” she whined pitifully.

  “You can have some more in a little while. Let’s dance a little bit first, so the wine doesn’t all go to your head at once.”

  At his suggestion of dancing, she smiled, suddenly yearning to twist and shake her hips to the music.

  “Yes, please! Let’s go dancing!” she exclaimed with excitement, not caring that her words were beginning to slur into one another. Maybe she should have drunk the water that Cole had tried to offer her. It didn’t matter, she thought.

  “In a little while, the room will be rearranged for dancing. First, Tobias must address the crowd and introduce you. Do not speak, little one, he will do the talking for you.”

  Tobias stood up beside her and a hush fell over the crowd. For a second, she was awed over the very obvious respect the crowd had for their leader.

  “Welcome, people of Ollorin. I hope you’ve all enjoyed the unlimited drink and delicious food I’ve organized for you all tonight,” he began and the crowd applauded and cheered loudly in response. It took a few long seconds for the room to quiet, before he began speaking again.

  “We gather in celebration of a new discovery. As you all know, females on our planet are becoming more and more scarce with every passing year and if we let it continue as is, Ollorin’s future could be short and dismal. Because of this, my fellow captains, Luke, Cole, as well as myself, began looking elsewhere for a solution to our problem and we found something in the far reaches of space; namely, the planet Earth. Not only is the little planet grossly overpopulated, but the leaders have enforced a law limiting families to only two children. But what does this mean for us? It means that there are plenty of females for the taking. To test this theory, Luke, Cole, and I have taken this human female beside me as our wife. We have performed the mating ceremony before the gods,” he continued and the people roared with their approval.

  Beside him, Aimee blushed at his admission. He turned toward her and offered her his hand and she hesitantly took it.

  Still feeling giddy from the wine, she wobbled slightly and he steadied her with his hand around her waist.

  “My people, meet your queen and my mate, Aimee Harrington.”

  Once Tobias paused, the crowd went absolutely wild, the cacophony rising to levels like never before. She smiled back at multitude of people, beaming at their excitement. All throughout her life, her parents had begged her to stay hidden and she’d done her best never to get caught in the limelight, at least until she’d stolen that car. But here, before the crowd, she grinned, finally accepting her role as an illegal third child from Earth, to now, a queen of Ollorin. No longer would she have to hide. She wondered if people would write stories about her, like all those ones she read back home, safe in her hidden room.

  Cuddling closer to Tobias’s hulking form, she giggled, hiccupping against him. She was definitely tipsy.

  “Now,” he called out and the people quieted again. “Let’s get this party started! Men, break down the tables and open up the dance floor!”

  With a roar, the room quickly became a sea of moving bodies. At a pace faster than she could have ever imagined, the white tablecloths were whisked away and folded, the chairs put aside, and the wooden dining sets rolled away into storage rooms off to the side.

  The lights in the room began to dim and a drumbeat sounded throughout the room, low and full of bass. Her heart pulsed to the rhythm and it didn’t take long before her hips began to sway to the tune.

  “Oh, Tobias, can we dance?”

  “Cole or Luke will take you. I must oversee the proceedings a bit longer. Remember, don’t go out of our sight. You won’t like the consequences if you do.”

  “Yes, sir,” she whined, rolling her eyes at his overbearing nature as she looked away. Bouncing over to her other two men, she stuck out her lower lip and reach
ed for them. “Take me dancing?”

  “Anything you want, gorgeous,” Luke smirked as he watched her hips roll side to side. “You’re so sexy, you know that?”

  “I think you’ve mentioned it a few times,” she chuckled. He licked his lips at her admission and turned his gaze boldly on her. She blushed as her pussy clenched in response to his confident demeanor. Luke was so strong, so big, and so incredible to look at. She knew exactly what was underneath his clothes and she wanted more of it. He was quite literally sex on a stick and she couldn’t wait to climb on top of him and ride his cock to her heart’s content.

  “Come on, little one.” Cole offered her his hand and she took it without hesitation. Trying to push her body’s rampant desires aside, she focused on the fact that she was going to enjoy the pulse-pounding music to the fullest. Bounding forward, she rushed hurriedly to enter the dancing crowd.

  “Keep close, pretty girl, don’t leave us, alright?”

  “Don’t worry, Cole, I just want to dance!”

  When they finally found an open enough spot, she twirled her arms around Cole’s neck and Luke pressed his hands around her waist. Swaying her hips back and forth, she felt the constant bass of the music beat through her with such intensity that she swore her heart slowed to keep up with it. Pressing her backside up against Luke all while pulling Cole in closer, she was surrounded. She groaned when she felt their hardened bulges brushing against her stomach and her curvy bottom. She was insatiable and wanted more of them, craved their cocks slamming into both sides of her at ones and liquid heat pooled between her legs. Leaning forward, she boldly kissed the gentle man before her and moaned when his tongue entered her mouth, taking complete control of her kiss. When they finally broke apart, she caught her breath and leaned backwards, catching Luke’s lips with hers next.

  His kiss was more wild, almost as if he was desperate to taste all of her, yet he pulled away to look deep in her eyes.

  “You taste like wine and chocolate, gorgeous,” he murmured before his mouth came back down to capture hers greedily. “I bet your pussy will taste even sweeter.”

  Moaning, she ground her hips back and forth, aching to be naked and spread wide for them. She wanted to be fucked, good and hard by the two of them at the same time. Licking her lips, she yearned for their cocks, craving to return back to their chambers at once.

  She even wanted to be totally bare and put over each of her men’s knees, one after the other and her bottom red hot. Why couldn’t they go back to their apartment now? She was ready to be fucked.


  “What is it, little girl?”

  “If I swear right now on the dance floor, would you spank me here?”

  “Of course, I’m sure the people would enjoy your naked backside getting the punishment you’d so richly deserve. Luke would gladly help me, I think.”

  Squealing with an odd sense of delight, she hugged him closer. She hardly noticed when the song ended, but she discerned that both Luke and Cole had gone eerily silent and she didn’t know why.

  Glancing from side to side, she finally realized that Trev and Rhys had returned and were looking down hungrily at her. Her stomach dropped to her heels.

  “My queen, may I have this dance?”

  Her head, still fuzzy from the many glasses of wine, didn’t process her thoughts before she opened her mouth.

  “Sure, I’d love to!” she agreed readily. It wasn’t until she had passed from Luke’s and Cole’s arms to Rhys’s before she realized what had actually happened.

  Both her mates narrowed their eyes and retreated a few feet away. It was clear they were not going to leave her with these strange men all alone and for that, she was grateful.

  “You look radiant, my queen,” Trev rumbled and Rhys nodded in agreement.

  “He’s right. I sure didn’t know human females could look as beautiful as you.”

  “You embarrass me,” she said politely, keeping a smile about her face.

  “You deserve the world. Are your mates being fair to you, treating you with respect? Serving you and fulfilling your every need?” Rhys pressed, the sound of his voice dropping an octave lower so that only she could hear. There was something about his strong and very confident hold that made her feel comfortable and before she knew it, the words were flying from her lips, aided by the wine still churning in her system.

  “They’re great so far, but very stern. They give me rules to follow and if I break them, I get…” With a flash, her hand flew up to cover her mouth. She could believe she had almost admitted to being punished by her mates! Feeling herself flush, she forced herself to look down at the floor. A sure and steady finger lifted her chin and she couldn’t help it as his cyborg gaze trapped her attention completely.

  “What do they do to you, my queen?”

  “I don’t want to say,” she said, blushing even harder.

  “You can trust me, Aimee. I promise.”

  “I… You see… Umm… They spank me, with their hands and even a hairbrush. It hurts a lot,” she whispered hesitantly, feeling Trev press up behind her. The look that passed over Rhys was animalistic and she paled a little at his reaction. Narrowing his eyes, he began to speak again, his voice angry and low.

  “How dare they put their hands on you. On our queen. I wouldn’t ever do such a thing and neither would Trev. Our women deserved to be cherished and loved, not treated like that.”

  “They mean well…” Aimee backpedaled, unwilling to admit that even though being spanked and taken hard was something she should hate, she really didn’t. She had loved every second of it; well, except for Cole’s punishment. That one had really hurt and she didn’t know if she’d ever find the courage to swear in front of him again. Rhys ran a finger down the curve of her chin, turning her attention back to him.

  His arms wound around her shoulders and his expression turned much more serious.

  “Trev and I, we could take you under our wing, bring you back to Earth.”

  “That would be possible?” she asked, disbelieving.

  “Absolutely. Don’t you have family back on Earth, won’t they be missing you by now?” Rhys pressed, all the while his confident touch grazed across her skin, full of promise. She felt intoxicated by his soft words and gentle poise.

  She wondered why her mates had fussed so much over these two men. They seemed nice and even kind to her. Rhys had seemed repulsed by the fact that they had spanked her. Maybe what her mates had told her wasn’t true; maybe they were the only ones to treat their woman like they owned them, punishing their women like that. Perhaps this was her chance to escape this planet and return back home, safe from being spanked or dominated by her three men ever again.

  Glancing back at Luke and Cole and then up at Tobias, she turned back to Rhys, placing her hands on his firm biceps.

  She could be free. Once and for all. From everything. She could go back home.

  “What would I have to do?”

  “You’d have to get away from the three of them. Meet us out behind the dome and we’ll get you to safety and back to your family on Earth,” Rhys explained, his voice still too low for anyone to overhear them.

  She nodded into his shoulder and the three of them danced slowly together. Both Rhys and Trev kept a respectful distance between her body and theirs and for once, she felt like she commanded their attention. They respected her and she cherished that feeling. Neither one of them pressed their cocks into her body without her consent, treating her like a woman who deserved to be revered rather than just another girl to take to their beds.

  After the song was over, Rhys and Trev politely returned her to Luke and Cole without a fuss. She wouldn’t meet her men’s eyes and her craving to dance anymore had disappeared altogether. Smiling back at Rhys, she swallowed heavily as he winked quickly at her, before disappearing into the dancing crowd. She hooked her arm around Cole’s and Luke twirled his around her waist. They held her securely and
she couldn’t help but feel protected.

  “I want another glass of wine,” she demanded of them, if a bit grumpily.

  “I’ll allow you one more,” Cole said, his voice carrying an edge of suspicion.

  Luke grabbed her hand and led her forward. “I’ll get you another glass, babe. After dancing with those losers, I bet you need it.”

  Making their way back to the head table, they paused as Tobias moved toward them. Tobias grabbed her arm the moment she entered into his proximity, and her body stilled at the force of his grip. His eyes bored down at her, his expression a careful mask hiding the anger and worry she knew brewed underneath.

  “What did they want?”

  “They were congratulating me on my position as queen. That’s all.” Tugging her arm away, she glared back at him, angry that he would touch her like that. His caveman-type attitude was definitely beginning to get on her last nerve.

  Tobias looked at her with wariness and disbelief.

  “You wouldn’t lie to me, would you, mate?” he pressed further, his voice increasingly suspicious.

  “No, sir, I wouldn’t lie. I promise,” she grumbled, glaring at the floor.

  “Good. Because otherwise I’d thrash your pretty little ass right here, right now. I’d lift your skirt, toss you over the table, and spank you with my belt and everyone here would see it happen.”

  She scoffed and rubbed her arm, the feeling of his tight grip still etched into her skin. Sitting down in a nearby seat, she crossed her arms over her chest, refusing to meet his skeptical gaze. Her body betrayed her and she couldn’t help but notice liquid heat pooling between her legs. She wanted to hate his threats, but she knew she couldn’t. Her body loved every second and she had to bite her tongue to stop herself from talking back. Her bottom tingled, imagining his belt licking at her cheeks, punishing her as he saw fit.

  Thankfully, Luke came by with her next glass of wine, breaking her mind out of her belt whipping fantasy. Instead, she focused back on his lovable nature and the fact that he had always appreciated her for the woman she was, curvy and all. There was no doubt in her mind that he loved every inch of her body. Cole sat down next to her and lifted her chin. His eyes narrowed slightly as he studied her and she squirmed a little in her seat.