The Warrior's Little Princess Page 8
Her limbs quivered and she screamed as her release took over her. With the power of his mouth, his fingers driving up into her pussy and the plug deep in her bottom, she experienced an orgasm that seemed to last forever. His digits moved within her, bringing her passion higher than ever before. She came again and again, as Darrius wrung every ounce of pleasure out of her that he could.
Just when she thought she couldn’t take anymore, his fingers and mouth left her cunny and she breathed a sigh of relief. Her body shuddered with the final throes of ecstasy and she smiled at Darrius as he lay down beside her.
“Wow,” she said, realizing her throat was sore from all her screams of passion.
“Enjoyed that, did ya?”
“Mmhhmm, very much, sir,” she whispered, feeling warm and tingly from her fingers to the very tips of her toes. She curled onto her side into his chest and cuddled up close to him. She let her fingers venture up and down the corded muscles of his arms and shoulders.
She felt the hammering of her heart begin to calm and she beamed back at him. Suddenly, she yearned to make him feel as good as he did her, to make him groan with pleasure just like she had done.
Rolling up to her knees, she boldly caressed his stomach through his simple cotton shirt, feeling the contours of his thick muscles underneath. He raised an eyebrow at her sudden conquest and smirked when her fingers trailed down to the waist of his pants. His chest rose and fell with his breath, as he silently watched her explore him.
She began timidly, gripping the hem of his shirt hesitantly before lifting it up so that he might reveal his broad torso. He helped her then, by gripping the fabric and bringing it up and over his head. She gasped when she saw the hard lines of his muscles beneath. The firelight flickered and she reached forward to touch him, enamored with what she saw. The corded lines of his physique were marred with scars, but he was sexy all the same.
His arms flexed as he lay back and she reached forward again, unbuttoning his dark brown cotton pants. He lifted his hips as she pulled them down, revealing a pair of cream-colored drawers beneath. Tugging a bit harder, she cleared his slacks over his bare feet and put them aside.
She looked up at him and then down at the very clear bulge between his legs with a feeling of curiosity that she couldn’t quell.
“May I see it?” she mused out loud and he nodded. Standing up before her, he gradually lowered his underthings. She inhaled when he revealed what was hidden underneath. His shaft was long, large veins throbbing indicating his arousal. The bulbous head had a slit at the top where a drop of clear liquid dribbled out. His member was hard and stuck straight up from in between his legs, flanked on either side by ball-shaped sacs. Instinctively, she licked her lips, experiencing the sudden urge to taste him.
“What do you call it?” she asked in wonder.
“This is my cock, sweet girl, and it longs to have you,” he whispered.
“And your cock, it’s supposed to fit inside me?”
“Yes, but I refuse to sully you, for that is your husband’s duty on your wedding night.”
Upon hearing his words, she pouted a little, experiencing the sudden want to make him feel as wonderful as he had made her.
He wound his hand around his member and she edged forward for a closer look.
“You see you can either use your hand to touch me like this, or you can taste me with your mouth as I have tasted your delicious cream.”
“May I?”
“Only if you would like to, sweetheart,” he said softly.
Leaning forward, she met his eyes as she reached for his cock. The skin of it was softer than she expected and she mewled with delight. Feeling a rare sense of boldness, she knelt and licked the tip of his shaft. His essence tasted decidedly manly, with a hint of saltiness as well as a certain sweetness. She looked up to meet his eyes as she repeated the act and grinned when he leaned his head back and groaned.
Opening her mouth further, she took the entire head of his cock into her mouth and flicked her tongue around the tip. His hips surged forward slightly and she took more of him deeper into her throat. He rose on an elbow and gently gripped the back of her hair, urging her to move up and down his length.
Growing even bolder still, she took him deeper and moaned quietly around his cock. She placed her small hands on his muscular thighs and felt him shudder beneath her with his own pleasure. The hand in her hair tightened and she whimpered softly, enjoying the feeling as he took control. He lifted her head so that she bobbed up and down his shaft, her tongue licking back and forth across his flesh. She gripped the base of his cock with one hand and began to pump up and down. Once again, he shuddered heavily and she squealed with delight.
He pushed his cock deep in her throat and her eyes teared a little as she gagged. His hips rocked back and forth, faster and faster until all at once he stilled, his muscles stiffening beneath her for a long moment. A warm liquid spurted against the back of her throat and she did her best to swallow every drop. She felt him shudder beneath her and then, he released the hair at the back of her neck. Seeing a spare drop of liquid on the head of his cock, she quickly leaned forward and licked the tip. Sitting back, she smiled up at him to see him looking warmly back at her.
“That was incredible, little one. Such a good girl for Daddy!”
“It made me happy, to make you feel the way you made me feel.”
In response, he just smiled and picked her up into his arms. His lips brushed against hers with such sweetness that she couldn’t help but kiss him back.
“Come, I think you’ve had an exciting day. Let’s get you into bed and fast asleep.”
She wanted to fight him, but the warmth of his arms combined with the heaviness in her eyes quieted her arguments. Before she knew it, he had lain her down on the bed and curled up beside her. His comforting touch was the last thing on her mind as she fell asleep.
Chapter Eight
Over the next few weeks, the two fell into a sort of natural rhythm. Darrius enjoyed caring for Irena and made sure to take care of her in any way that he could. He loved brushing her hair or helping her bathe, and he especially enjoyed turning her bottom cheeks a pretty pink. He happened to think she looked delightful when she would hop around and clutch at her sore backside. Even further, he could hardly control his reaction when he would remove all her clothing before bed. Her breasts were petite yet full in shape, just like the rest of her lithe and curvy figure. She was perfect.
His magic had seemed to calm solely by her presence. Instead of a strong blaze within him, it had dimmed to a soft glow. While he still wanted to ravish the woman till she was limp from screaming his name with pleasure, no longer was his magic driving to make the choice for him. Instead, he had complete control and he liked it that way.
On a particularly beautiful sunny day, he decided to surprise her with a picnic lunch in a meadow far off in the woods. He sent her out into his small backyard garden to pick some fruit and vegetables. Raspberries happened to be her favorite, so he told her to make sure she picked a good amount for their meal.
He put together a few pork sandwiches, complete with cheese, lettuce, and tomato, as well as pork belly he fried with a skillet. He also put together a small bag stuffed with sweets and grinned, knowing her face would light up when he presented her with them. Having gone into town a few days earlier, he had seen a street vendor selling the candies and had thought of her. He bought them and kept them for a special occasion. Today would hopefully be such a day.
Over the time they had spent together, no new information about where she came from had emerged. He’d grown overly attached to her in that time. She always looked back at him with such love and sweetness, so unlike all the looks of fear and hatred he’d experienced before. She made him feel whole and he hoped she felt the same.
Today he planned to tell her about himself and if she still accepted him without fear, he intended to ask for her hand in marriage. Despite his normally very confident nature, he was sti
ll nervous as to whether she would accept him.
He packed up everything into a basket and opened the door to the backyard. He watched as his little ward picked berries. Laughing at the sight, he shook his head as he watched her put a few in her mouth and then a few in her basket.
“No more berries for you, little lady. If you spoil your lunch, you’ll be in some serious trouble,” he yelled out.
He chuckled as she whirled around, her mouth wide open at his words. He placed his hands suggestively on his belt and her eyes became large as saucers. He had yet to use the leather implement on her soft nether cheeks, not that she hadn’t tested him. In his opinion, she was well overdue for a reminder of who was in charge, but he wouldn’t tell her that just yet. He’d noticed that she was acting out in small ways, like talking back, or only following a portion of his directions here and there. He’d let most instances slide but he would be watching her closely today. A reminder of who was in charge would be necessary, and soon.
He turned away and yelled out the door, “Hurry up, Irena, it’s almost time to go!”
“Yes, Daddy! I just need a little longer!”
His heart warmed at her words. Ever since he’d punished her for the first time, she’d taken to calling him that. It made him feel as though she needed him and further enforced it was his duty to keep her safe. Every time she said the word Daddy, his cock called to attention, making him ache with want to throw her down on his bed and fuck her hard. With a deep swallow, he turned back to his tasks at hand.
Quickly peeking out the window, he saw her slip another berry into her mouth and shook his head. He’d ask her about that in a bit and see if she would be honest with him or not.
A few minutes later, she bounded happily into the kitchen.
“All ready! Here, let me help pack it up for you,” she said as she skipped over to the counter. She gently wrapped up the fruit and vegetables she had gathered and grinned back at him when she finished.
“All right. Let’s get riding then. The place I have in mind is about an hour’s ride away.”
“Oh, goody!”
He walked up behind her and kissed the top of her head. Grabbing the basket as well as a couple of blankets, he urged her forward and out of his cabin. She ran over to his horse and waited for him. He followed her there. He had already saddled the great beast and lashed their lunch supplies inside his leather saddlebags. With a grin, he then placed her on the horse and swung himself up beside her.
Taking the reins into his hands, he guided the horse forward into the woods.
Not long after, the two of them were enjoying an easy silence, taking in the sounds of the forest. Her body swayed with his in tune with the horse’s cadence. About forty minutes passed until he began to speak.
“Yes, Daddy?”
“Did you eat any more berries after I told you not to? Remember, it’s important to be honest with me. You know what happens to dishonest little girls, don’t you?”
“I know, Daddy. I didn’t eat any more, just like you told me. Honest.”
Darrius sighed. He could overlook her tone of voice at times or maybe some possible forgetfulness in following his direction, but there was no way he would condone lying. He knew he would have little choice. His sweet woman was apparently extremely overdue for a painful lesson.
“Baby girl, I’m afraid we’ll need to have a discussion when we reach the meadow.”
“But why?” she exclaimed, trying to turn back to face him.
“Apparently, I need to teach you just how much I will not tolerate you lying to me, no matter what it is.”
“But Daddy! I didn’t lie.”
“Strike two, sweetheart.”
“This is unfair. Why can’t you just send me to bed without dinner like normal people do? You’re a bully!”
“Because you and I both know spankings make you behave. Clearly, I’ve been lax in the rules in my household, and your bottom is going to suffer because of that.” Her outburst had startled him and made him realize that she would need a much sterner hand than usual.
“I won’t stand for it. You’re being cruel,” she argued.
“Irena, if you continue to argue with me in such a manner, not only are you going to get the paddle, but you’ll be punished with my belt as well. Your daddy is extremely disappointed in your behavior and has decided that your backside will pay for it.”
She shut her mouth quickly, but he could feel the anger and attitude radiating off her. He had clearly been remiss in his duties. Apparently, his little girl needed to be reminded of who was in charge much more often. Feeling the paddle sway on his hip from the loop on his belt, he sighed. He knew that the paddle would be getting much more use from now on.
Hardening his gaze, he decided weekly maintenance spankings were going to be necessary. Flexing his hands, he gripped the reins a little tighter. No longer than fifteen minutes later, they arrived at their destination. Looking out at the scenery, he hazarded a small smile.
It was a beautiful meadow surrounded by tall trees. Wildflowers dotted the fields, a gorgeous medley of all colors. He jumped down to the grass below and tied Regan to a nearby tree with a long rope, giving him plenty of grazing room.
He gave Irena a hand off the horse, which she took reluctantly. She watched him warily as he spread a few blankets on the short wild pasture. On a nearby fallen tree, he spread another blanket on top. He saw her stiffen in response.
“Come here, baby girl. Let’s get this over with so we can enjoy our afternoon.”
“Daddy, please. I’m sorry for lying. You don’t have to spank me.”
“Sweetie, you know you’ve earned this. Don’t make me come over there.”
Her lower lip poked out a little in the cutest pout he’d ever seen. She shuffled over reluctantly, dragging her feet behind her. Struggling not to smile, he tried to put the sternest look on his face that he could manage. Raising his chin a hair, he reached out for her and was proud that she didn’t flinch. He turned her around and heard a small gasp escape her lips.
He began to unlace the back of her dress and she whirled around with an angry look.
“You wouldn’t dare! Someone might see!”
“Irena, you’re already in a heaping mound of trouble. Do you think it’s a good idea to fight me right now? Keep testing me, little girl. You’ve already earned some serious time with the paddle and that’s only the beginning. That bottom of yours is getting a good ole thrashing with my belt. The more you fight, the longer that pretty ass of yours is going to be over my knee. Now is that clear, young lady?”
Her face flushed a pretty pink as her eyes widened as large as saucers. Her lower lip trembled and her eyes dilated. She hesitated a moment longer before turning around and dropping her hands to her sides. He knew she needed a firm hand this time.
“Yes, Daddy. I’m sorry. Please continue.”
Reaching for her, he kissed the top of her head and heard her sigh softly in response. His rough fingers gripped the laces of her dress and undid them all. He slipped the fabric down her shoulders and then around her waist, the garment dropping to the ground. He guided her to step of out of the dress, leaving her in her corset and underthings. Next, he slowly unthreaded her corset, watching as slight goosebumps traveled over her skin.
Standing in naught but her chemise, he knew she was beginning to get nervous. She’d only been properly punished once by him before. He gripped her shoulders and massaged them gently and he saw her visibly relax. The next part was going to be the most difficult for her and he decided not to delay any further. Instead, he glided his hands down her back and across her bottom cheeks. He gripped the bottom hem of her chemise and lifted it over her head. He folded it and laid it down with the rest of her clothing in a neat pile on the nearby picnic blanket.
Now, she was completely naked.
“Turn around and face me. Hands at your waist.”
She did as she was told, as she worried her botto
m lip with her teeth. Her cheeks were flushed. He took a long moment to meet her eyes and then dragged his gaze up and down her body. He could see her inner struggle written all over her face. She desperately wanted to cover herself, but she didn’t.
Despite her nervousness, her body betrayed her. Her nipples were taut, hard peaks in the sunlight. Her chest rose and fell with fervor, and her pussy was wet with her desire. His little submissive was incredibly turned on.
“Spread your legs. Look at you, naughty girl, about to get punished and your pussy is all wet. Show your daddy why bad little girls like you need to be spanked.”
She blushed hard. Her fingers clenched into firm little fists before relaxing again. She looked up at him, disbelieving. Not saying a word, he crossed his arms as he sat down on the fallen tree below him. Her eyes widened and she bit her lip.
Reluctantly, she stood in front of him and spread her feet. Not entirely satisfied, he kicked her feet open even wider. When she was finally positioned exactly how he wanted, he reached forward and held her wet pussy in his palm. He felt her shudder in his hand.
She moaned and he smirked.
“Oh, please, Daddy,” she whimpered.
He let go of her pussy and she cried out. He didn’t give her much time to react though, as he gripped her around her waist and tossed her face down over his lap.
“Now tell me, baby girl, why are you about to get punished?”
Chapter Nine
Irena’s heart pounded in her chest. There she was, fully naked in the middle of the woods, with Darrius’s hand resting on her bottom cheeks, about to get a spanking. Her body smoldered, still feeling his fingers where they had been moments before. She yearned for him to touch her pussy again. Her core practically begged for it.
She was so embarrassed. Not only might someone happen upon them in the forest, they’d see her naked, over his knee, getting her bottom spanked like a naughty child. She felt so ashamed.