Wedded to the Warriors Page 8
They shared a cup of coffee together and she giggled at his expression when he took a sip of the dark brew. He had tried it black initially and hated it, but then she added some creamer and sugar to his cup as well as hers and he smiled when he sipped at it again.
“Much better. I could get used to you making this for me sometimes.”
“I’d like that. I’d rather have you smile anyhow, it looks good on you,” she admitted, feeling her face flush a little bit.
“Does it now…?”
“Well,” she stammered. “It seems whenever you frown, I’ve gotten spanked afterwards. Twice now!” Completely flustered, she looked down at the mug she was holding, too embarrassed to meet his knowing gaze. Even just uttering the word spanked, she felt her body react and her pussy moisten. She wanted him to touch her again, just like he had the day before, stroking her needy flesh to completion. She yearned to see what was hidden beneath his clothing too, so she could study the hard lines of muscle that she had no doubt were there.
Her gaze dropped to the large bulge between his legs and wondered if his cock would look like a human’s too, only bigger than any she’d seen online before. She was innocent, a virgin actually and had never actually seen one in real life, but had watched a few naughty videos late one night at home after partying with her friends. With a sigh, she forced herself to look away and had no doubt her cheeks with red with mortification at her thoughts.
“Aimee, look at me,” his gruff voice calmly demanded.
Not wanting to incite him into further action, she did as he told her and looked back at him. She was surprised to find a serious expression on his face instead of an angry one.
“Mate, never be ashamed of your body’s desires. Always embrace them. Luke and Cole will most certainly say the same thing.”
She couldn’t think of anything to say, but jumped when she felt his rough fingers take her own within his large hands. He didn’t say anything more, but brought her small knuckles up to his lips, planting a soft and gentle kiss on her sensitive skin. Looking up, she met his strong confident gaze and couldn’t help but smile, feeling comfortable with him once again. She hoped the same would be true for when she met the other two men, knowing that time was only days away.
For the rest of the morning, the two spent the time chatting over coffee, learning bits and pieces about each other. He wanted to know where she had come from and she wanted to know more about him. She told him about her life, how she’d been born as the third child and hidden away for much of her life, how she’d constantly made trouble for her family with the other third children and finally, how she’d ended up at the detainment center in the first place.
She was surprised to learn that he was the elected commander of Ollorin. He told her a little about Luke and Cole and how they had been by his side for some time as captains in his fleet. He brushed off her questions about life on his home planet, telling her everything would make much more sense when they landed and she could actually experience it herself. He showed her the office computer within the apartment and allowed her to access the internet anytime he was away on ship duties.
The next few days passed rather quickly, as the two of them got into a sort of routine. She would wear her nightgown to bed every night and he seemed to do his best not to touch her again. She could tell that he was holding back and it annoyed her a little bit, but she tried not to let it bother her too much. She could see the looks he gave her, full of desire and want, yet he didn’t even brush up against her overly sensitive skin. On her best behavior, she didn’t go over his knee once for a spanking, which disappointed her a little. She craved his commanding touch, almost wanted her bottom to be bare and smacked again until it was a glowing red, but she held back.
She passed the time by surfing the web, catching up on the stories she’d fallen behind on while trapped at the detainment center. Now that she had actually experienced a spanking, those scenes actually made her squirm in her seat even more, anticipating the next time Tobias deemed she did something naughty. Now that she had the real experience, she wanted more of it, desiring to experience a real punishment under her mate’s hand, just like the heroines in her stories did. It all sounded so romantic, him teaching her not to put her safety at risk, consoling her after her punishment was all over, and then taking her to bed and claiming her in more ways than one.
Before she knew it, they were only an hour away from Ollorin and preparing to land.
Tobias came to the apartment as she was surfing her usual alien fan fiction websites and called for her. She shut down the few windows she had open and went to join him in the living room area.
“Come, Aimee, I want you to see your new home. The view from space is like no other. I’m sure you will find it as beautiful as I do.”
He gathered her small hand in his and guided her outside of his apartment for the first time since she had arrived. They walked through the long hallways to the front of the ship, where she gasped at the blackness of space and the brightness of the stars all around them. Directly in line with her view, she saw their ship approaching a large planet that could only be Ollorin.
Tobias had been right; the sight before her eyes was gorgeous. It reminded her of Jupiter, but the gaseous giant swirled with brilliant blue and violet clouds. The pattern was constantly in motion, so that from one minute to the next, the planet looked entirely different.
“Is there land beneath that?” she asked aloud.
“Oh, yes, it’s a protective upper layer of our atmosphere. On the ground, you can see traces of it, but in the night sky it’s clearly visible, the stars colored with blues and violets of the clouds. Sometimes our two moons will rise together when it’s dark and the purples and blues will swirl with the wind, lighting up the evening sky. It’s magnificent.”
“It’s stunning,” she murmured, her stare plastered to the glass in front of her. For the next half hour or so, she sat in a nearby seat as he directed his crew in preparation to land on her new home planet. He was so in control, so sure of every order, that she found herself just observing him much more than anything else. When the ship was about to enter Ollorin’s atmosphere, he buckled her in tight and sat beside her, strapping himself in as well.
The ship rocked back and forth, jostling Aimee in her seat as it picked up speed. Engines roared loudly as the vessel broke through the clouds and she gasped at the clear blue water beneath and all the green land she could see. The closer the craft got to the ground, the more she could make out. There were great cities that dotted the land, surrounded by large walls. When the ship finally began to slow, she could make out skyscrapers lining a beautiful beach. The engines began to purr, a far cry from the angry rumble she had listened to only moments before. Within seconds, she felt the ship come to a stop on a platform on the outskirts of the city. She had finally arrived on Ollorin.
Tobias unstrapped himself and then moved to unbind her from her seat. He gripped her hand and led her out of the pilot chambers to the boarding area. Keeping her eyes open so she didn’t miss a thing, she observed her new world with growing interest.
The two of them walked across a large glass-covered gangway. Their footsteps echoed on the metal floor beneath them as they moved along but she hardly noticed, so immersed in her scrutinizing of every little detail.
Off in the distance to her left, she could see trees: thick, tall, and lushly green. To her right was a beautiful white sandy beach, waves lapping gently at the coastline as far as her eyes could see. In front of her was a great city like she had never seen, even larger than New York. It seemed to sprawl for many miles, each structure taller than the next. She and Tobias boarded onto a small shuttle that drove the rest of the way down the gangway to the nearest building. This particular tower was made completely of glass, so that it shimmered in the sunlight. She looked up, taking in how high the building rose into the sky, up into the thin blue and violet cloud cover. She shivered, imagining looking out of the wi
ndow from the upper floors and wondered what it would feel like to be up so high in the air.
There wasn’t much time to ponder such a thing as the shuttle turned and entered the tall glass skyscraper. The small engine purred so softly she could hardly hear it, as it zoomed along the sky bridge. Finally, the vehicle came to a stop and she noticed two men waiting by the entrance. The way the two of them looked back at her, she had no doubt she had just laid eyes on her two other mates, Luke and Cole.
Both men were just as tall as Tobias and stood with the same sort of quiet confidence. One had his back against the wall, with his arms crossed over his chest. He had forest green eyes and short blond hair trimmed in a buzz cut. His cheeks and jawline were strong, with hardened lines that told her he expected to be obeyed without question. He uncrossed his arms and she had to remember to keep her mouth closed as she could see his bulky muscles rippling under his dark shirt. Swallowing nervously, she was distinctly aware of his scrutinizing her body and his smirk as he stared at her hips and chest. Immediately, she got the impression that he was looking forward to getting to know her naked figure very well in the bedroom, right away.
The other man looked a bit softer, like there was a certain kindness in his eyes, although he still had the aura of a guy in charge. His hair was spiked, a pretty milk chocolate in color, similar to the hazelnut of his eyes. His jawline was clean-shaven and he was well put together, his dark shirt tucked into a pair of jeans. Her eyes flitted briefly to the thick brown belt at his waist, but she quickly looked away. If she studied him closely, she could see flecks of green in his irises. He was also built like Tobias, almost as if he spent hours at the gym lifting weights. Wide shoulders trimmed down to lean hips and she licked her lips. He smiled gently back at her, and a little piece inside her melted.
She’d been sold to three men with bodies like the gods.
Tobias placed a broad palm on her thigh and she looked back to him. Offering her a hand, he led her off the shuttle and to the two men waiting for them. Her stomach seemed to jump inside her, almost as if a thousand butterflies were doing somersaults within it. These were the three men who were going to marry her and claim her in more ways than one. A vision of herself lying in bed with three sets of hands on her flesh caused a shiver to race down her spine. Her mouth suddenly very dry, she swallowed and licked her lips, trying to moisten them with little luck. The man with the buzz cut smirked knowingly, his eyes firmly on the movements of her tongue. She felt like she was the prey and he, the predator. She was a sheep, unexpectedly surrounded by a pack of seriously hunky wolves.
“Aimee, I want you to meet Luke,” he pointed to the one with the buzz cut. “And Cole,” he said as he pointed to the other, softer looking one.
“Nice to meet you, Aimee,” Cole offered, his voice gentle and kind. His body stayed relaxed and he didn’t yet move toward her, which made her feel comfortable with him immediately.
“’Bout time we get to lay eyes on you, gorgeous,” Luke said, his smile seemingly dangerous, yet kindhearted at the same time. He wasn’t shy and sauntered right up to her, placing his hands on her hips like he already owned her. “Christ, are all humans this beautiful, Tobias?” He grinned down at her, his expression strangely lovable. His eyes were warm, yet shaded with intense desire for her. There was no doubt in her mind that this man could not wait to see her naked.
“For God’s sake, Luke, let her have a little breathing room. She isn’t married to us yet,” Cole said, his voice almost musical. “Come here, little one, let’s get you up to our penthouse so you can relax after such a long journey. How does a hot bath sound?”
“Heavenly,” she whispered, finally able to speak since setting eyes on her men. She looked back at Tobias, having known him the longest and feeling the most comfortable with him for an indication that she could go with them.
She yelped when she felt strong hands envelop her, lifting her body off the ground. Looking back, she realized Cole had picked her up, lacing an arm around her back and underneath her knees. His grip was firm, yet gentle in the same breath.
“She’s so small compared to Ollorin females; are you sure she is compatible to mating with us?” Cole’s tender tone sounded close to her ear.
“Very much so. I took part in her examination, making sure that her body was able to handle our size and customs. Human females from Earth are most certainly well-matched with us. The warden there is receptive to selling more to our planet too, if we should wish it.”
“If you say so, I believe you,” Cole said softly, his gaze looking down at her warmly. She smiled back, already feeling secure in his arms.
“With women as sexy as our mate? The men on our planet are all going to be running straight for them. I mean, look at her. Such a babe,” Luke mused.
“Geez, can you keep it in your pants for like, five seconds?” Cole admonished him, sounding already very protective of her.
“Calm down, man, I’m just calling it like I see it. Everyone is going to be jealous of our wife is all.”
Aimee curled into Cole’s arms, feeling safe and protected. She’d known him for only a short time, but he seemed like a good guy, like he already had her best interests at heart. He was calm, sweet, and remarkably genuine. Luke, on the other hand, was a little rough around the edges, but she had never experienced the feelings that he gave her before. Caught in his gaze, his eyes roaming up and down her body, she had never felt sexier. There was no hiding the fact that he wanted her very badly.
Breathing in Cole’s scent, she sighed, inhaling traces of mint and vanilla. It was extremely reassuring being held in his arms. She surprised even herself when she thought that the idea of having all three men there to care for her didn’t seem like quite a bad thing after all.
“Come on, let’s get her to our chambers. The mating ceremony is scheduled for this evening and I want her well rested.” She recognized Tobias’s stern voice and her smile faltered a little. What was going to happen?
Chapter Seven
By the time they arrived at the topmost floor of the skyscraper that had taken her breath away earlier, she was filled with a million questions. Were they to be wed at once? Would they all claim her together like the stories she had read about online? After witnessing their great city and some of their customs, there was no doubt in her mind that Ollorin men were in no way savages, but modern-day men shrouded in mystery. She remembered that Tobias had told her that only native people to the planet were allowed to visit and that no outsider had ever stayed before. Pieces of the story seemed to be true, like the fact that their men took a wife to share between them and that they had no qualms about spanking their mates. She wondered what else was true.
Her bottom tingled just thinking about it.
Watching as they approached a simple-looking steel door, she saw Tobias place his palm on a flat sensor next to it. The device scanned his hand and the door clicked open in response.
The four of them walked into the connected room and closed the door behind them with a resounding clunk. She was alone, hidden from the rest of the world, with her three men.
Massive burgundy couches lined two of the walls, facing a television screen that was the largest she’d ever seen in a home setting. Soft-looking gray and black pillows decorated the comfy-looking furniture. A cherry wood coffee table was set in front of the sofa, adorned with a few books. The room was so big. Off to the side, she could see a full kitchen, complete with a large island that would most likely hold all four of them at once. Beneath their feet was an expensive-looking wooden floor, exquisite in its complexity.
In one of the corners of the room, she spied a hallway, with at least five or six doors off of it. To her right was a spiral staircase, leading up to some sort of loft that she got the sudden urge to explore.
“Bring her to our room, the largest tub is in there,” Tobias said, as he took a seat on the plush loveseat. “I will make sure all the arrangements are taken care of for the ceremo
ny tonight. I’ll be in presently.”
“Sure. Not a problem,” Cole answered.
Her eyes widened slightly. She was going to be alone with both Luke and Cole? Tobias wasn’t going to be there?
Cole strode down the hallway and Luke quickly followed behind them. When they walked into the bedroom, she saw the largest bed she’d ever seen. She had no doubt that they would all fit in that bed at the same time. The quilt on it was a beautiful slate gray color, embroidered with red, black, and white floral patterns. A plush light gray carpet lined the floor and she wanted to dig her bare feet on it to see how soft it was. There were also a few other contraptions that lined against the walls, along with a padded bench that made her stomach drop. She noted leather straps on each of the legs and could only guess she would be lashed over it at some point in the future. Her bottom clenched in anticipation. Would they spank her over it one day?
The room was also very large, with two doorways that she could see. One was ajar a little bit and she could see another Fabritron machine toward the back of what looked like a rather large closet. The other she guessed was the bathroom, which the three of them headed for right away. When Luke went ahead and opened the door, she saw that she was right. White marble lined the counters, with gorgeous veins of gray rock crisscrossing the surface. Dark burgundy towels hung on bars on the walls. The tub was massive, with carved seats for four people. The standalone shower reminded her of a carved rock grotto, tiled in such a way that the floor looked like pebbles.
Cole placed her feet on the floor and she unwound her arms from his neck.
“Alright, babe, get naked,” Luke ordered nonchalantly.
“What? I will not!” she responded, aghast at his request.
“I’ll start drawing the bath,” Cole said, looking at her with a softened expression. “You best listen to Luke, little one, you won’t like the consequences if you don’t.”