His Majesty (Rough Royals) Page 7
Matteo Giovanni Santaro was real and he’d been true to his word. My entire body felt numb and he’d left my mouth, my pussy, and my virgin asshole sore just like he’d promised that he would.
And tonight, I was going to go to dinner with the man who had just put me on display and fucked me in front of his whole kingdom.
Chapter Four
Isabella De Luca
I slept for hours until a tentative knock on my door woke me up from a dead sleep. I groaned, stretching my sore limbs. When I felt the achiness between my thighs, I pressed my legs together, remembering everything that had happened to me earlier that day. My mouth went dry when the memories of what the king had done to me over the windowsill and I shivered, thoroughly ashamed and reluctantly aroused.
I was still naked. I looked around and saw that my dress was crumpled in a pile on the floor. Quickly, I pulled a sheet around me and covered myself before anyone came inside.
The knock sounded one more time.
The door opened and I lifted my head to see a young woman walk through the door. She was maybe twenty, with strawberry blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She smiled and curtsied before me, dropping her eyes as though I was some sort of royalty myself.
Where the hell was I?
“You don’t have to curtsy on my account,” I grumbled, and she was silent as she appraised me, almost like she was waiting for me to say something. “Can I help you?” I finally offered.
“I’ve been sent to bathe you and prepare you for dinner tonight,” she replied expectantly.
“I can bathe myself,” I muttered, and she bit her lip.
“It is at the king’s request. I must do my duty,” she answered, her mouth tightening with nervous anxiety.
I sighed and nodded. It was no use taking my annoyance out on her. She simply seemed to be a servant in this mystery place I’d woken up in, which might prove useful if I played my cards right. Maybe through her, I could learn more about this place and who Matteo really was.
“What’s your name?” I asked carefully.
“Maria,” she replied, smiling as she acknowledged my acquiescence. “If you’d like, I’ll run a bath for you. I can also fetch you a cup of coffee or tea in the meantime.”
“I’d love a cup of coffee,” I answered. “Cream and sugar, please.”
She grinned widely, pleased that I was indulging her. She opened the door and rolled in a cart full of fruit and a number of jugs and carafes that I could only assume were filled with coffee, hot water, and whatever else she had brought along. It reminded me of room service, only much more extensive than I had ever seen before. Quickly, she took a gold-lined porcelain cup and poured a hefty portion of coffee, before mixing in the sugar and the cream that I had requested. She walked over to me and handed me the cup, and I took it carefully from her grasp.
I smiled, trying to seem as nonthreatening as possible. I took a tentative sip, finding it even more delicious than I remembered. Whatever bean this place used was divine and I couldn’t help myself as I took another taste of it.
I wrapped myself more tightly in the white sheet, more than aware of the fact that I was naked beneath it with a complete stranger in the room.
The more I enjoyed myself, the larger she smiled, and I decided that I needed to make this woman my friend. The more I seemed amenable to her requests, the more relaxed she became and if I used this to my advantage, I could learn everything that I needed to know.
“I’m Isabella,” I offered.
“I know,” she replied lightly.
I climbed out of bed slowly, ensuring that the sheet covered my nakedness. I held the fabric tightly and followed her into the open bathroom. She turned on the water and measured out several cups of oil that she poured directly into the running bathwater.
“Am I still in Italy?” I asked softly.
“Yes,” she replied. She didn’t offer anything else.
“Where in Italy?” I pressed.
“We’re in a valley in the northern Italian Alps,” she said.
“But where exactly is that?”
“It’s known only to those who know where to find it,” she offered.
“Do you know how to find it?”
“No. If I was banished today and sent far away, I’d never be able to find my way back.”
“They banish people here?” I asked.
“If they displease the king,” she replied.
I chewed my lip. What kind of place was this?
“Come. Please let me take the sheet from you so you can climb into the bath now,” she said then, cutting off any other questions I might ask. When I didn’t move, she took the coffee from my hands and put it down on the nearby marble counter. Her fingers brushed tentatively against my shoulder and I stiffened, before forcing myself to relax. She was just another woman, a servant. I’d already had my naked body put on display for the king to do what he wished with, so I shouldn’t be affected by being naked in front of her, but I was. It made me self-conscious. With a deep breath, I slowly unwrapped myself and allowed the sheet to fall to the floor.
I blushed when I realized that I could still feel the king’s dried seed on my thighs, and it would be nice to finally be able to wash it off. I hoped she wouldn’t see it.
Carefully, I stepped into the bath and sighed in relief as the warm water caressed my skin. I lowered myself down as quickly as I could manage, hoping to hide my backside, which I feared was still pink from the king’s hand, as well as whatever remained of the evidence of our coupling on my legs. I rubbed my arm and whimpered when I felt a sore spot. I tentatively pressed at it and tried to angle myself to see, when Maria cleared her throat.
“Upon your arrival, the king had a form of birth control injected into your arm. If you’re sore, I’ve been given permission to give you a pain reliever. Just tell me if you’d like one,” she offered.
I hadn’t even thought about that. I probably should have.
“It’s fine. I don’t need anything. The king, is he a fair man?” I asked.
“He is. It’s been an honor for my family to serve his for so many years,” she replied. I turned toward her, trying to assess her age.
“Your family has been here for a long time?”
“Yes. For at least the past hundred years, my ancestors have served the Santaros. It is a great privilege to be allowed to live here,” she answered.
“It almost feels like I’ve gone back in time with all this talk of kings and kingdoms and servants,” I murmured.
“I’m sure it does, but you should be quite comfortable here. From what I understand, we have all the modern conveniences you’re used to,” she said.
“What about a cell phone or a computer? Where can I find those?”
“The king will allow you access to those when he decides that he can trust you,” she replied.
“Trust me not to throw him out a window, you mean?” I scoffed.
She didn’t respond, but I could see her eyes sparkle just the slightest bit in amusement.
“So, what now?” I questioned.
“I’m going to bathe you,” she answered. Carefully, she helped me to lean backwards, wetting my hair before she squirted a healthy portion of shampoo into her palm. Quickly, she began massaging it into my scalp and I hummed with enjoyment. Her hands were gentle and even though being bathed by someone else felt embarrassing, there was also a certain measure of it that seemed like I was being pampered.
I was at least thankful that she was another woman. For a while, I was silent as she bathed me, luxuriating in the feelings of being taken care of so thoroughly for the first time in forever. After a while, it simply felt as natural as visiting a spa.
A spa in a castle with a man who called himself king. Growing curious, I wanted to ask more questions.
“So, tell me, since there is a king, is there a queen? Princesses and princes? Dukes and duchesses?”
“There is no queen or prince, at the moment,” she answered. “There’
s a number of duchessas and duces, as well as comtes and contessas, and a great deal more titles of the nobility that the king will introduce you to at dinner tonight, I imagine.”
“It seems almost like a fairy tale,” I observed quietly, albeit a dirty one where the king had stripped me, spanked me, and fucked me before his loyal subjects.
This world was a strange one.
“There’s no way out, is there?”
She didn’t reply and to be honest, she didn’t need to. I already knew the answer. Whoever this man was, if he was really king here in this isolated valley in the mountains, he wasn’t about to let me go anywhere. Even if there was, I had killed a member of his family and he could have me jailed or put to death for what I had done.
I should be angry to be kept captive like his, but I was free for the most part aside from the very small detail that the king had seemingly claimed me for himself. That was a problem for another day.
For now, I just wanted to figure out everything there was to know about this mysterious little kingdom. It wasn’t on any maps I’d ever seen and I hadn’t heard about it in the news either. It was almost as if it didn’t exist, but here I was, naked in a bath preparing for dinner with its king.
It was all quite surreal.
Maria massaged conditioner into my hair next and I groaned, feeling shivers race down my spine.
“Please stand so I can wash the rest of your body,” she instructed, and I did as she asked, looking away as she soaped up a loofah. I turned and gave her my back, shivering just the slightest bit as she pressed it against my back. She was gentle as she scrubbed me, and I sucked in a breath as she made her way down toward my still sore backside. When she pressed the sponge against my tender flesh, I tried to hide how much it ached. She must have realized what happened though because the pressure lessened.
“The king is a stern man, but he is a fair one. He expects obedience, and when he doesn’t get it he deals out punishment,” she whispered.
“I gathered that this morning,” I answered carefully. I turned to face her, and she didn’t appear judgmental or aggravated with me, instead her eyes were warm and full of understanding.
“It’s going to be hard for you, but if anyone can handle him, I think you can,” she offered.
“What do you mean?”
Her face fell and she shook her head.
“I cannot say anymore. It is not my place, Miss Isabella,” she replied.
I wanted to question her further, but I decided not to. I needed an ally and it wouldn’t serve to alienate the only friendly face I’d come across so far.
“Don’t worry, Maria. You’ve been very helpful so far. It’s been hard waking up in a strange place and not knowing where you are or how things are done. I very much appreciate what you’ve told me about this place,” I offered, and I saw her visibly relax.
She carefully turned me around and started to wash the front of me, including my breasts and between my legs. Silently, she directed me to spread my thighs and I did so that I could make her job easier.
“The king has also requested that you are fully shaved for him. I will do that for you after you are fully bathed. After that is complete, we will dress you in your gown for the evening,” she said.
I swallowed carefully.
“Fully shaved?”
“Yes. Underarms. Legs. Between your thighs,” she said rather clinically.
I had always kept myself trimmed and I had never had anyone complain about it.
“I don’t think that’s necessary,” I replied.
“He said you might say that. If you won’t allow me to shave you, he said that he would spank you and then shave you himself,” she warned. I shivered.
“I understand,” I quickly answered. Having been a recipient of such a punishment so recently, I had no desire to repeat it any time soon. “You may shave me, Maria.”
“Good. I shave many of the ladies of the court on a regular basis, so you need not worry about my skill,” she offered, and I was marginally calmed by her words.
“This whole having people care for me is new. Thank you for being understanding,” I said quietly.
“It’s no problem, Miss Isabella,” she answered.
“You can call me Bella,” I said with a smile.
“I cannot!” she exclaimed. “The king would have my head!”
“Literally?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. Surely she didn’t mean that.
“Well, no, I guess not really. There haven’t been any beheadings here since the dark ages, but the servant master would be none too pleased with me if he heard me call you that,” she explained.
“In private when it’s just the two of us, you may call me Bella, but only if you’re comfortable,” I said in response and she nodded.
“If it pleases you, Bella,” she replied tentatively and I grinned widely, ensuring that she saw that it did.
“It definitely does,” I whispered. “It feels more natural to me.”
She finished washing my body as thoroughly as she could and when she was finished, she had me sit back down in the bath so that she could finish conditioning my hair. Gently, she ran a comb through my long locks and teased out all the tangles and knots while the oils made it easy for her. I enjoyed myself quietly for a while longer before I spoke again.
“You are happy here?” I asked.
“I am,” she answered. “It’s honest work and as long as I complete my list of tasks in a timely manner, I am well compensated for it.”
“I’m glad,” I murmured, leaning into the massaging touch of her skilled fingers. After that, she rinsed my hair and helped me out of the bath. She wrapped me in a massive fluffy white towel, and I watched as she laid out several more and prepared her shaving supplies on the bed. When she was ready, she beckoned me over and had me lie on top on the towels.
She had me lift my arms and her ability with a blade was quickly apparent. She worked her way through my underarms and then moved onto my legs. In no time at all, I was far smoother than I had been before. After that, she took the edges of the towel around me and folded it up so that my pussy was bare.
I looked away and blushed hard as she massaged shaving cream into the trimmed hair at the apex of my thighs. She worked mercifully quickly and before I knew it, she had shaved my mound completely bare. Then she bent my legs and pushed them aside, working in between my folds and ensuring that my pussy was left entirely hairless. When she was finished, she turned around and I slid my fingers along my newly bared skin, noticing just how much more sensitive I felt without the hair I’d had before.
When I noticed her turning back around, I snatched my hand away and pressed it to my belly.
“Is that everything he wanted shaved?” I asked and she nodded.
“Yes. He’ll be pleased to know that I had your full cooperation as well,” she answered politely. I sat up and squeezed my thighs together, more aware of my nakedness than I had been before.
“You said something about a dress?” I questioned, searching the room.
“I did. One moment and I’ll go fetch it. Wait here for me and we can get you dressed. Then I’ll do your hair and some light makeup as well for you. This will be the first time the king presents you at court, so it’s important that you look your very best. Not that I need to do much work, since you’re so very beautiful with nothing at all,” she mused, and I flushed with embarrassment. I wasn’t particularly used to compliments like that, so I didn’t know quite how to react.
She didn’t say anything else before she opened the bedroom door and walked out. About a minute later, she rolled a wardrobe bag into the room and unzipped it to reveal a scarlet ball gown inside it. She pushed the bag to the side, and I gasped when I saw the dress inside.
It looked to be something a queen might wear.
It was regal and had certain touches of modernity to it, but at the same time, there were aspects of it that were definitely from the renaissance era. The bodice was lined with gold thread
ing in a corset style and the lower half of the dress opened out into a defined A-line skirt. All of the trim was lined with gold embroidery and when I moved closer to look at it in more detail, I realized that they were small roses. The whole thing was quite extravagant and undoubtedly very expensive.
She also unzipped a second wardrobe bag with what appeared to a petticoat and a chemise, both made out of expensive-looking cream silk fabric.
“Come. Let’s get you dressed,” she offered, while holding out her hand. I took it and she quickly whisked the towel covering my nakedness away from my body. The first thing she had me put on was the petticoat, which she helped me step into by letting me use her shoulders for balance. Then she pulled the chemise over the top of my head like she’d done it a thousand times. The fabric billowed out over the petticoat and when everything was in place, she unlaced the skirt portion of the gown and settled it into place on my hips. Lastly, she took the bodice and opened it completely.
It wasn’t just formed in the shape of a corset. It was a real one made out of steel boning like the times of old. As she wound it around my waist, I sucked in a nervous breath.
“It’s uncomfortable at first, but I won’t tie it very tight. You have an incredible figure already,” Maria said quietly. Quickly, she laced it up the front and then she began to tighten it little by little until it was mostly in place. After that, she began to tug on the cords, cinching one rung after the next. With each pull, the steel boning hugged me closer and pushed my breasts higher until they rivaled the cleavage of my best pushup bra.
“Well, that’s a nice perk,” I observed while staring right down at my chest and she chuckled.
“Indeed,” she said with a wink.
Now fully dressed, I was ushered over to a chair where Maria got to work curling my hair and applying a light coating of makeup on my face. She was mostly quiet as she concentrated on ensuring that I was presentable for court and I didn’t much interrupt her.
When she was ready, she had me stand up and close my eyes. She proceeded to guide me over to the wall-length mirror in the attached bathroom and with much excitement, directed me to open my eyes.