Wedded to the Warriors Read online

Page 7

  It took a long moment for her to realize what was about to happen as he stared down at her. She remembered his warning if he had to undress her. He was going to spank her. Her eyes widened and she tried to back away, but he had a firm hold on her wrist. He sat down on the bed and easily tossed her face down over his lap.

  “Please don’t spank me! I’ll listen next time! I promise!”

  “I’m sure you will, but I’m going to make sure you do. I will spank this bottom of yours whenever I believe you have earned it and you most certainly have right now. This time, I will only use my palm, but next time I will take off my belt and thrash every inch of your backside with it until I believe you’ve learned your lesson.”

  He laid his massive hand over her bottom and her body started, coming to the conclusion that his hand covered the entirety of one side of it. Her muscles trembled in anticipation and she balked when he parted her legs slightly, pressing his fingers up against her very wet folds. As he slid his digits up and down her pussy, she moaned at the sensual feelings that stirred within her.

  “Aimee, tell me, how often have you thought about being taken in hand by a strong man? Have you ever touched yourself, imagining your naughty bottom getting spanked for disobeying him?”

  “Tobias,” she whined. “Please!”

  A sharp slap sounded in the room and she yelped when the sting of the first spank assaulted her senses. He had smacked his palm directly between her two cheeks, low enough so that the thud seemed to echo straight to her already throbbing clit.

  “You will refer to me as sir. And you best not lie to me. Believe me, I know how to read a woman’s body and you will be unable to hide from me in such things.”

  With a heavy swallow, she began to tell him about the naughty things she would do when she was all alone.

  “I used to read about spankings, sir. I would read about stories about the Ollorin savages, about how multiple men would take a woman in hand, dominating her in all ways…”

  “Did you ever bring yourself pleasure by imagining yourself getting spanked?”

  “I did, sir…” she whispered softly, reluctant to admit to her deeds she had performed in secret. There had been many times when she had been reading a romance novel and felt herself getting wet when the heroine was tossed over her man’s knee and soundly spanked. There had even been a few nights where she had felt like she could have crawled the walls and had allowed her hand to venture between her legs. Experimenting then, she had circled her engorged clit and had even brought herself to climax in a few short minutes. The entire time, she had fantasized about her own fleshy globes turning pink under a man’s punishing palm. She had always felt embarrassed over what she had done and felt a flush come over her face. She covered her eyes and moaned, mortified at her admission.

  “Aimee, it’s very clear you enjoy the idea of receiving a spanking and you will get one from me very shortly.”

  Her pussy clenched, achingly empty and seeping with her honey. Groaning, she realized that the likelihood that she had already created a wet spot on his pants was very high. Her body pulsed with desire for his punishing palm and for the pleasure that she knew he could give her. She breathed heavily as his fingers glided over her soaked folds.

  “But, you will never touch yourself without my, Luke’s, or Cole’s permission ever again. We will give you the pleasure you deserve, no more and no less. If you break this rule, we will punish you.”

  “Yes, sir,” she whispered shakily, her bottom cheeks trembling in anticipation of the spanks that were bound to come.

  “Now, let’s make sure that I teach you not to hesitate when I tell you to do something. But first, I want you to ask me for it.”


  “Ask me to punish your naughty bottom, Aimee.”

  Her pussy clenched at his words.

  “Oh, God. Please spank me for being such a bad girl, sir,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. His hand patted her clenching bottom cheeks. This was real. She was about to get spanked by her mate.

  His palm settled on the left side of her ass and she tensed when his warm touch left the safety of her skin. Scant seconds later, he began to spank her, cupping his hand so that it stung all the more. Every smack clapped soundly against her flesh and the sting quickly became the only thing she could focus on. His spanks cut heavily into her backside, almost as though she’d sat directly on a lit stove. Even though it hurt, she bit her lip in an effort to remain strong and defiant, even if she was getting spanked like a naughty little girl.

  He spanked all over her ass, before beginning to focus on the gentle curve at the very bottom of her already sore cheeks and she cried out at the extra sting that untouched area presented. She wasn’t able to hold back her moans any longer as her body began to heat in response. Tobias was spanking her and the only thing in her mind now was her aching cheeks and the fact that her pussy was throbbing with need. She wanted him to touch her there, to rub his large fingers over her pulsating bud and bring her to completion just because he wished it.

  “Please, sir. I’m sorry. I will obey you,” she begged, her voice straining with the intensity of her punishment.

  “You will remember this, Aimee,” and he spanked the tops of her thighs three times, harder than before and she squealed, tears threatening at the corners of her eyes. He began to rub her scalded flesh, massaging some of the hurt away and she couldn’t help but moan at his knowing touch. He seemed to instinctually know just what she needed to calm down and as a result, her arousal soaked her thighs even further. Her bottom still throbbing from his firm treatment, she couldn’t help herself as she parted her legs slightly, wanting him to touch her there.

  He didn’t disappoint. Her fully naked body screamed for him, in stark contrast to his entirely clothed one. Almost excruciatingly slowly, she felt the tips of his fingers venture down the central curve of her bottom, passing over her tight pucker and sliding down over her very wet pussy lips. With a sigh, she arched her back as he glided over the top of her needy clit. Already she craved his touch, wanted more of him.

  He began to circle her throbbing bud and she was lost in his hands. Through his gentle but firm dominance, he brought her to the edge of orgasm over and over by varying the intensity of his pressure and the deft movements of his digits.

  “Please, please let me come,” she begged finally, when she felt like she couldn’t take another second of this delicious torture.

  “You may come, Aimee,” he said softly, his voice husky with his own desire.

  With his permission, her body flew as blinding pleasure took over her senses. Her body heated to unbearable levels and she was silently thankful for the fact that she was completely bare over his lap. Her empty pussy clenched repeatedly as her legs trembled with her release. Moaning loudly, she held onto his ankle for dear life as the riptide of passion caught her up in its solid pull. After a few long moments, Tobias took his hands away from her pussy and gently caressed her heated cheeks, traveling gently up her back and causing a delectable shiver to travel down her spine.

  She groaned softly as her heart finally calmed to normal levels. His touch was comforting and she was thankful for the warmth his body provided.

  “Come now, let’s get you dressed,” he said, while helping her rise to a standing position. Gently, he led her back over to the clothes-making machine and assisted her as she stepped up onto the short platform. Looking up, she saw a metal dome overhead and looked curiously back at him as he pressed a few buttons on the keyboard that showed up at the bottom of the computer screen. Within seconds, the machine began to hum and a warm feeling came over her body. She kept her eyes open as threads streamed from overhead, weaving around her body like a second skin. Moments later, she gasped softly, encased entirely in a beautiful deep sea color, the soft satin fabric hugging her curves and dipping low to the floor so that it brushed the tops of her toes.

  She stepped into a pair of matching ballet sl
ippers that appeared in front of her feet and looked wide-eyed at Tobias when the hum of the machine went silent.

  “That was incredible. Whoever thought such a thing was possible?”

  “You look gorgeous, Aimee. That nightgown is perfect.”

  “Thank you, sir,” she flushed. “It’s so comfortable.”

  “Right now, I want you to get some rest, I’m sure you’re very tired after everything that’s happened today.”

  “Yes, very much so. I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

  “Well, I must go to the officer’s deck to make sure the coordinates of our destination have been entered and that we can get underway without any delays. Both Luke and Cole will be anxious to meet you too.”



  “Are they nice men? Will they take care of me?”

  Tobias pulled her in close and she breathed in his woodsy scent. His arms wound around her shoulders and she relished the close feeling of his body.

  “Of course they will. They are both great men, with a different set of expectations for you. Each one of us will ensure that you are protected, safe, and well taken care of, no matter what. All three of us will pledge that to you during our upcoming marriage ceremony.”

  Nodding, Aimee nervously swallowed back her further questions, looking longingly at the bed next to them. She was so tired. Tobias noticed, easily lifting her from the floor and placing her on the bed. He removed her slippers and helped tuck her into bed.

  Closing her eyes, she scarcely even noticed when he kissed the top of her head and walked out the door. She was exhausted and fell asleep within seconds of her head hitting the pillow. She’d process everything she just went through tomorrow. Now, she wanted to sleep.

  Chapter Six

  Aimee woke up sometime later, snuggling into the softness of the extra-large bed. With a groan, she protested the fact that she was awake, stretching her sore limbs high overhead. Blinking, she looked around and realized she was still alone. Having no idea how long she’d slept, she pushed down the covers and begrudgingly left her warm little cocoon of comfy.

  Hesitantly, she peeked out into the living room area of his apartment and didn’t see anyone. Her stomach growled and she looked in the direction of the kitchen, kept meticulously clean and free of clutter. She wondered what she could find that would work as a breakfast food and if there was any likelihood of a nice hot delicious cup of coffee.

  In her bare feet, she nearly tiptoed onto the cool tile before she realized how silly she was being. She was alone. This was her home for the time being, whether she liked it or not and she had to make the best of it.

  She found a tall appliance that resembled a refrigerator and opened the door. Squealing with delight, she found that much of the food looked like it was from Earth. Maybe Tobias had stocked it that way so she would feel comfortable, but she couldn’t be sure. Taking out a carton of eggs, milk, some shredded cheese and bread, she placed them on the counter beside a rather impressive-looking oven.

  Rummaging through the cabinets, she found what looked like a frying pan and placed it on the stove. Having watched the servants prepare breakfast from time to time, she mimicked their efforts. She oiled the pan and cracked two eggs on the side, scrambling the eggs as they began to cook. As soon as the food touched the metal of the pan, it began to cook. She didn’t have to turn any dial, or choose the heat necessary. Within minutes, the eggs were cooked perfectly with melted cheese on top and she had a delicious breakfast prepared.

  Sitting down on a stool at the large island in the center of the kitchen, she took a bite and moaned as delicious flavors melted onto her tongue. She made quick work of her breakfast and did her best to clean up after herself. From the looks of it, Tobias was a stickler about the proper placement of things in his home and she didn’t want to give him yet another reason to put her back over his knee and bare her bottom for a spanking. Or did she?

  Turning around, she shrieked when she noticed a large furry thing staring at her from the couch in the living room. She wasn’t alone after all.

  “Who the hell are you?” she exclaimed, very surprised at the thing’s presence.

  Upon further observation, the animal looked vaguely familiar and she gasped as it rose from the cushions of the loveseat. It was a very large brown bear and it began to walk her way on all fours. As it lumbered toward her, she backed away.

  Sitting on its haunches, the bear stopped at the entrance of the kitchen and stared back at her. Her hand plastered to her chest, she watched the dangerous animal with fear, trying to remember what she was supposed to do when one encountered such a beast.

  Was she supposed to stay completely still, run, or scream her head off until Tobias came to her rescue? Her mind raced with possibilities, analyzing for any chance of escape.

  “Calm down, little Earth human. I’m not going to eat you. I’m Arto. I gather that you’re the Aimee that Tobias has mentioned to me.”

  “You can talk? How is that even possible?”

  “Bears on your planet don’t talk?”

  “No! Never! They’re dangerous!”

  “Well, lucky for you then, I’m a Ollorin bear. I’m sort of like Tobias’s bodyguard and as a result of your presence, yours as well. I imagine with your arrival, I will spend more time protecting you than the commander now, since you’re so tiny and frail.” One of his paws rose up and poked her arm and she stiffened in response, unsure of how to react.

  “I am not,” she pouted, hardly believing she was having a disagreement with a bear. Lord, was there some sort of crazy psychedelic drug mixed in with her breakfast? Was she high?

  “Yes, you are. I’ve never seen a female shorter than seven feet tall. You… I would have to guess you’re about five foot six. Super short. Plus, your build is a lot smaller. You can’t be more than one hundred and fifty pounds. Tiny compared to Ollorin standards for sure.”

  “You’re serious, aren’t you.”


  An awkward silence passed between them before she realized she could interrogate this furry beast into giving her the answers she wanted. She grinned with delight.

  “So… did I sleep for a long time?”

  “Almost a whole day; I was getting bored. Tobias checked in on you a few times, but you weren’t even moving. Whatever you did before you came here, you must have been really tired from it.”

  “How many more days till we reach Ollorin?”

  “Only two more, I think. Your mate is in a rush to get home to his fellow men.”

  “My future husbands, you mean,” she pressed.

  “Yes, that would be correct. He is in a hurry to get back soon because of you.”

  “What are they like?”

  “I’ve been instructed not to discuss this issue with you by Tobias…” the bear said, looking warily back at her.

  “Come on, he won’t find out if you don’t tell him!”

  The entrance to the apartment swung open and her mate walked in the door, a smirk explicitly clear on his lips. She paled, wondering if he had heard what she had just said and if she’d get in trouble for it.

  “Arto and I have known each other for a very long time. He will be your protection, as well as an escort for you when we reach Ollorin should you need to go anywhere. And he will most certainly inform me of your behavior and if it will be necessary for myself or your other mates to punish you, wherever we are at the time. It is common for wives to be spanked in public and neither I, Luke, nor Cole will blink at lowering your panties and turning your bottom red. He isn’t going to hide anything from me, not even at your insistence.”

  She groaned and looked away, crossing her arms over her chest at his threat. Deciding to keep quiet, she figured she would bide her time and see what her options were when they reached her new home planet. She wondered what Ollorin would be like, what her other mates would think of her, and how she would live as a wife to t
hree men.

  “I’m glad you were able to get some rest; you must have been very tired in order to sleep for so long.”

  “Apparently I slept for a whole day! I didn’t find out Arto was here until just a few minutes ago. I’ve never met a bear that could talk before. Earth animals don’t speak at all, ever.”

  “Arto here is a native species to Ollorin and evolved similar to your Earth bear before it went extinct on your planet, I think. His kind has always been loyal to our people, offering protection and a form of local transportation back home. He’s been with me for some time now, since I was a boy,” Tobias offered, a slightly wistful look coming over him.

  “Lucky for him I’ve been around, I’ve gotten him out of quite a few jams in my time,” the bear laughed softly, his chuckle coming across as an amused grunt.

  “Hey, Tobias?” she asked.

  He looked toward her expectantly, calm yet commanding in such a simple gesture.

  “Do you have coffee?”

  “Yes, I stocked up on common Earth items available to me, in hopes to make you more comfortable. You found everything alright?”

  “Mmhhmm. I even cooked myself breakfast!”

  “Good girl. Here, come let me show you where the coffee supplies are and we will make you some. I’ve been wanting to try this Earth drink for some time myself, so we’ll make a pot of it to share. How’s that sound?”

  “Like a plan to me,” Aimee said, unable to hide the happiness cascading through her system. As much as she wanted to fight Tobias and his dominating ways, when they were together like this, she felt comfortable. With all her might, she should hate the fact that he had placed a plug in her bottom hole, ripped off her clothes, spanked her like a naughty little girl, and given her mind-blowing pleasure, but she didn’t. In fact, if she was really honest with herself, she had loved every second of it. But he didn’t have to know that.

  His presence calmed her, made her feel safe and cared for and she was pretty sure he liked her a lot. She certainly liked him. If her other mates were anything like him at all, she might not want to get away from them. Maybe being their bride could be a good thing after all?