Wedded to the Warriors Page 6
The device slid deep inside her wet folds, pressing against her cervix. The doctor typed in a few loud keystrokes and she gasped when the rod inside her began to expand and vibrate. Tobias began to circle his thumb around her clit and within seconds, she was lost to his commanding touch. Between the full feeling in her bottom and the stretching sensation of the medical device within her wet channel and its vibrating function, her body was quickly overwhelmed with pleasure, reacting almost violently with the lust that had built up to immense levels in the last twenty-four hours.
The coil within her wound up tighter and tighter and there was little she could do to fight it. As much as she wanted to say she hated every second, she couldn’t. Her body seemed to be loving each moment he dominated her, his hard, icy eyes willing her to obey his every word. She didn’t even know the man and already she wanted to please him.
His other hand grazed against her thigh, alighting a blaze of fire at his simple touch that shot straight to her core. She wanted so much more from him. He leaned into her, his male scent catching her by surprise. It was masculine, with hints of citrus intermingled with a subtle smokiness. He locked eyes with her and whispered a few words that drove her wild the instant that they met her ears.
“Aimee, you may come.”
She moaned, a flash of blinding pleasure taking over her senses as she climaxed harder than ever before in her life. Screaming with desire, her lips flew apart, and her body snapped completely as every muscle in her body tensed and trembled with wild abandon. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she was utterly lost to the passion coursing through her system. Her pussy clenched down on the rod inside her and her bottom hole tightened on the plug snug deep within.
Her orgasm seemed to last forever as Tobias worked her aching clit, milking every last second of her climax to the max. Gently he massaged her thigh as she came down from the natural high of her release. Breathing hard, she struggled to get her pounding heart back under control and she vaguely noticed that he was grinning.
“Now that’s what I want to see, Aimee. That’s what I expect from my future wife, from a woman worthy of my planet Ollorin.”
She couldn’t even form words to respond as the device within her expanded even larger for a long second, before deflating to its original size.
“You can remove the instrument from her now. The test is complete and the analysis is almost finished as well.”
“Thank you, Doctor, for the opportunity to experience such a thing as my woman’s examination,” Tobias said in response to the clinician.
Doctor Roberts typed a few more commands into the computer and she watched as the shape of a DNA molecule twirled on the screen. The sugar and phosphate backbone coiled tightly and then untwisted, combining its various bases with a completely different DNA strand, indicating to her that there was probably no issue between the compatibility of her body and Tobias’s.
“Well, I don’t believe you will have any problem in the slightest with this human female as your match. I can say, with ninety-nine point nine percent certainty, that you will be able to have children with her,” the doctor commented, his voice strangely clinical and academic.
“That’s great news! Now, let’s release her from her bonds. Please bring me some clothing to dress her in and I will leave with her immediately in order to get her back to my home planet. Is everything taken care of to complete our transaction?”
Warden Taylor walked in at that moment and Aimee could tell she overheard his last few words.
“Everything is all set for her departure. Your funds have been approved. Aimee’s purchase has been paid in full,” the woman candidly replied as she moved toward a nearby set of cabinets. Opening the door to one above her, she pulled out a light blue shirt and pants that would mark Aimee as an inmate at the detainment center. Nodding to the doctor, she began to speak. “Roberts, let’s you and I wait outside for Tobias to ready his mate. We’ll lead him to the receiving dock afterwards so that he can begin his journey back to Ollorin.”
The doctor nodded and followed her out, leaving Aimee alone with Tobias. Despite the fact that he had yet to hurt her, she still breathed nervously and her tummy fluttered with butterflies at just his presence. A whimper sounded in her throat at the realization of her own honey still seeping from her entrance as her bottom clenched tightly around the plug. Looking up at the massive man before her, she stared silently, unsure of what to do next.
His touch was magnetic and she longed for more of it as his large sculpted body moved closer to her. She could have sworn he was carved out of stone like some sort of Greek god. She wanted him, craved more of him. Sighing softly, she relaxed as his hands moved above her, unlashing the leather first from her wrists and then her ankles. Rubbing her skin to help circulate blood flow, she pulled her knees up into her chest, still very aware of the plug inside her. Her bottom clenched instinctively at the thought.
“Come, Aimee, stand up and bend over the chair. Part your bottom cheeks for me.”
“Why should I obey you?” she asked timidly, if but a little warily.
“Because I told you to do so. When I tell you something, no matter what it is, I expect immediate obedience or else I will spank your naughty backside until you’re ready to comply.”
Gauging by his tone, she gathered that he was very serious. She made her way up on weak legs, taking his arm when he offered the support. After perusing his expression just a second longer, she decided to obey him. Turning around, she bent over so that her chest was supported by the base of the chair and waited.
“Now, spread those naughty cheeks for me.”
“Yes, sir,” she murmured, feeling her arousal drip down her folds at his words. Her hands reluctantly reached downward and gripped both sides of her bottom. With a shaky nervous breath, she pulled her cheeks apart, revealing the plug stuffed deep inside her channel. With a soft moan, she felt him grip the base of the toy and whined when he pulled it out achingly slowly, stretching her tight rim of muscle once again. It hurt a little less this time, but she still squealed with relief when a resounding pop sounded throughout the room, indicating the plug had finally come free of her bottom hole.
To be brutally honest, she was actually a little sad that her ass wasn’t filled anymore. Something about the entire act had felt right, even if it was wild and wanton, a deed so dirty that no one had ever mentioned it to her outside of her dirty romance novels, but she didn’t care about all that. She had enjoyed every second and secretly wanted more of it. She wanted Tobias to take her there, to bend her over, spread her naughty cheeks and claim her in the most basic of ways, with his cock.
Shaking her head, she stood up straight and turned back to see Tobias grinning back at her. Gently, he gestured to the outfit the warden had laid aside for her and helped to pull the fabric over her head and up over her hips. In a few moments, she was fully dressed and the realization saddened her, just a little.
For the short amount of time she had spent with the man, she had been entirely naked and had felt empowered during every second of it. Furrowing her brow, she thought about the fact that she had wanted to please him, had recognized her body had thrived under his touch even though she should balk at being controlled by a man. She had even wanted more.
He had mentioned that he was to present her to other men and her breath caught in her throat at the thought. Would she be a kept woman, shared between two or three men on the planet Ollorin just like the stories she read online? Would she be bared, spanked, and fucked for their pleasure and treated like a cherished gift between them? What was to become of her?
Her breath hitched at her sordid fantasy and Tobias lifted his brow. Looking away, she felt a blush heat her face as he pressed one sandal and then the other on her small feet. He offered her a hand before leading her out of the room she had just spent the last day in. She couldn’t help but release a sigh of relief when they finally exited the door.
The warden and the d
octor escorted the two of them into the receiving dock, a place Aimee had not been to since the day of her arrival at the detainment center. Tobias had a hand on her lower back the entire time, almost as if he already owned her. She bristled at his touch, but decided not to test things quite yet. There would be a time for her to act when she was outside the warden’s clutches. She just had to wait for the right moment.
Instead, her eyes took in the large ship docked outside a window that they passed along the way. The outside of the vessel was painted a purple and dark navy blue. A circular design cut by three parallel lines was painted on the side. It was a symbol that she recognized as the Ollorin crest. The shuttle was designed similar to the cruise ships she had read about online, except large wings stuck out to either side and the entire thing was completely encased in cold, silvery steel. She had no doubt that the ship would be incredibly well protected and probably very dangerous to many of their enemies.
They walked down a long walkway that temporarily connected the space station to the Ollorin vessel. Their footsteps echoed loud in her ears. His hand, warm over the top of the fabric of her shirt, was a constant reminder that this man had bought her, that he now owned her according to written law.
Tobias turned back to the warden when they reached the end of the hall.
“Thank you. I will send updates in the next few months.”
“Thank you, Commander Tobias. As a friendly warning about Aimee, I have a feeling she will test you and your men. Take care and use a firm hand with her. If I were you, I’d put her to bed with a red bottom every night,” Warden Taylor said and Aimee shot a glare in her direction. The woman smirked a little back at her and moved her eyes over to look at the man next to her.
“Don’t you worry, Warden. If I have any idea of the feisty young woman here, I expect she will be over my knee very often. It is the Ollorin way.”
“Safe travels, Commander. Perhaps more men from your planet would be interested in some of the other women we have within our facility, the ones that have been trained in the ways of pleasure,” the strict warden pressed, clearly impressed by his business. He’d paid quite a sum for the little human in his arms and he didn’t regret it for a second.
“I shall definitely keep that in mind for the wellbeing of my planet,” Tobias said. “Doctor Roberts, Warden Taylor, I will take my leave now. I wish you much success in your future endeavors.”
He steered Aimee into the containment room at the end of the hall as the door closed tightly behind them, the sound of releasing hydraulics echoing noisily. Another set of steel doors opened and a whoosh of air blew up into the small hold they stood in. Tobias moved forward confidently, without question and guided her into his ship.
“Aimee, the next few days you will spend in my chambers. The trip will pass by quickly and we will be on Ollorin very soon, where you will meet both Luke and Cole. Shortly after we arrive, we will all consummate our marriage together.”
“You’re crazy.”
“I expect obedience and for you to curb your tongue when I give you an order.”
Glaring at him, she crossed her arms over her chest. She wouldn’t stand for being treated like an object, something for him to just boss around. Never before in her life had she bent under anyone’s authority, even the warden’s and especially not her parents’. She’d always been smart, gathering information and biding her time until the perfect moment to act. Swallowing back her anger and annoyance, she kept her mouth shut and decided to wait for when that time came. Even she could tell, now wasn’t a good time.
They took an elevator up a few levels to the top of the ship. He walked down a short hallway and pressed his hand on top of a scanner by a nearby steel entryway. The metal door slid open with a soft swish, revealing an opulent apartment within.
“This is where you will stay for the next few days. I will spend as much time as I can with you, but I am the captain of this ship so I will have to direct the crew in the daily operations of this vessel. First things first, I want you out of that silly garb they put you in. We will design some new clothes for you immediately. Women on my planet wear dresses so that their men can always have easy access to their bodies.”
“You and your people sound like such savages.”
He smirked back at her. “A savage, huh?”
“That’s what they call you. It’s what people from Ollorin are rumored to be on the internet and in all the stories about your people. You’re supposed to live in caves and wear furs instead of real clothes.”
“We hardly interact with anyone outside our planet. In fact, this will be the first time a human Earth woman is being brought into our ranks. As for the caves and furs? That just sounds silly.”
“Why would you want me anyway?” she asked, unable to curb the attitude brewing inside her. She was confused. Men from Ollorin, aliens to her, were supposed to act like cavemen, throwing a woman over their shoulder and taking her whether she liked it or not, punishing her when she misbehaved and doing things to her in the bedroom that normal people never talked about. What was true and what was a lie? Already, she was very aware that Tobias had no qualms about spanking her and playing her body like a well-tuned piano. But, what else was there?
“Ollorin has been experiencing a shortage of women over the past few years. If things keep up as they are, females are going to become so rare that our race will not be able to continue in the future. I came across an advertisement for the detainment center that kept human women and then I did some reading about the overpopulation of humans back on Earth. Since you and I have been deemed compatible, human females may be a possible way to fix our current dilemma.”
“You intend to breed me like an animal.”
“No. I intend to take you as my wife and eventually have a family with you.”
“But you mentioned I wouldn’t be just with you alone. You said something about two men, Luke and Cole. Do you intend to share me with others?”
“Yes, but only with the two of them. It is tradition for men to share a wife on Ollorin. Females have always been a rare and treasured commodity on our planet and because of that, two or three men take a woman to cherish between them.”
He moved toward her then, his body language making it clear that the time for her questions and his answers was over with. He stood so tall above her small frame, his male scent, cinnamon with woodsy overtones, overwhelmed her senses. Lifting his fingers, he trailed one across her cheek and down the sharp curve of her chin and she couldn’t help but lean into his touch. She wanted to defy him, but her body yearned for the opposite, to yield to him.
“Now, let’s get you changed into an outfit made for a Ollorin woman. I want to see your beautiful body wrapped in royal blue satin. Come, let me show you how to work the Fabritron.”
“I’ve never heard of such a thing.”
“It’s a technology we invented some time ago. I’m not aware of anyone else that has anything quite like it.”
Narrowing her eyes, she jumped when he possessively wrapped his broad palm around the back of her neck, leading her into a big sitting room adorned with oversize plush couches decorated with an abundance of soft pillows. She noticed a very modern-looking kitchen, the cabinets a matte metal color and dark rock countertops that reminded her of onyx. Everything was meticulously clean and seemed to have a designated spot.
“Come, into the bedroom. The Fabritron is in there.”
His grip was firm on the back of her neck, yet it didn’t hurt. It was simply a gesture clearly indicating that he was in charge and she couldn’t help but notice as her body tingled in response. Her breasts felt heavy and her nipples pebbled painfully. She even felt liquid heat begin to coat the insides of her thighs. Suddenly hyper aware of the fact that she was wearing neither a bra nor panties beneath her shirt and pants, she crossed her arms over her chest in hopes of covering up her body’s reaction.
They walked through the living room to a nearby side door wh
ere the biggest bed she had ever seen met her eyes. Glancing back at Tobias, she had no question that she, he, and two other men his size would fit comfortably in it with room to spare.
A massive computer was in the corner of the room, with a big screen and keyboard as well as a low pedestal for which a body was to stand underneath what looked like a large camera lens.
“Take off your clothes and stand there,” he said, while pointing at the platform with his other hand. She turned toward him, setting her lips in a hard line.
“I will undress when you leave the room,” she responded, while lifting her chin defiantly, her hands fisting at her sides.
His icy blue eyes stared back at her, narrowing slightly at her reaction.
“If you wait one moment longer, I will undress you myself, only you will spend a long while over my knee getting your naughty backside spanked first. When I tell you to do something, I expect immediate obedience, or else there will be consequences. You will find that I am very strict in many things, especially when it comes to your body and my access to it.”
She stood still, staring back at him. It was like a scene out of the romance stories online that she had been reading in secret for so long. Her heart throbbed and her clit began to pulse in tune with it. Her cream dripped down her leg at the dominance in his voice and she couldn’t help but notice her body’s insanely strong passionate reaction to both his words and his commanding presence.
Simply staring at him, she whimpered softly when this large mass of alpha male grabbed her gently about the waist, pulling her toward him. His fingers laced around the bottom hem of her shirt, pulling it effortlessly over her head in but a fraction of a second. Next, he gripped the waistband of her slacks and whipped them down her legs. Helping her kick off her shoes, he pulled the pants from her completely, leaving her standing entirely naked before him.