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Feral: A Dark Sci-Fi Romance Page 4

  He growled low in his throat, the sound turning into a purr that only functioned to make me melt before him. His small suctioned cock head had stayed attached to my clit, twisting and turning with my body no matter the position it seemed. The feathery tendrils tickled my clit hard, more persistently and it was with a very deep shame that I realized I was getting wetter even as he was spreading my ass cheeks apart and staring down at my forbidden channel. Dear god, what was wrong with me?

  His fingers dipped down into my arousal, dragging it backwards as he rimmed it around my asshole. The moment he discovered my wetness, he purred loudly in excitement. I moaned, and he lifted my hips up so that I was on my knees, forcing me to present my naughty hole to him as a result. I moaned with my shame.

  I struggled to maintain position and to not clench my cheeks together, but the moment he pressed his cock against my back channel, I tensed with fear.

  Jesus Christ.

  He was going to fuck my ass.

  Slowly, he pressed against me, and I fought against him, earning more than one hard, punishing slap to my ass until my bottom hole lost the battle against his cock. His massive head very slowly popped inside me, and it was enough to make me cry out in both shame and in slow burning pain as he took me as he pleased. Using me for his pleasure and ignoring my protests otherwise.

  I felt every last inch of him enter my asshole, and despite my reluctance to even think about deriving pleasure from such a wanton act, inevitably, I felt myself rising up in ecstasy once again.

  “No. Fuck. Please,” I begged, not really knowing what I was asking for anymore.

  My pleas went unanswered.

  His hips began to rock back and forth, dragging his massive cock in and out of me slowly, steadily before beginning to increase in tempo.

  At that moment, I knew whatever moment of clarity and temporary gentleness he had just had was now gone. His body temperature increased, and I heard his growl rumble deep in his chest, a sound I was now connecting with his arousal, excitement, and alpha nature.

  Now, he was going to mount me. Fuck my ass as hard as he wanted, and I whimpered as his pace steadily built, faster and faster in my tight hole. I squirmed beneath him and the suction on my clit increased in pressure. I moaned as it teased me, forcing yet another orgasm to begin its ascent once again.

  I fought it. I didn’t want to come while his cock was pressed deep into my asshole, but as the seconds passed, I knew that I wasn’t going to have a choice.

  I moaned. I squirmed, and I whimpered, but blazing hot pleasure pulsed through my core. My wet greedy cunt squeezed around empty air, desperate to be filled as well.

  He fucked me hard, rougher than before, and I could feel him losing control utterly and completely. He was like a savage, taking what he wanted, when he wanted, no matter what. His hips slammed into mine and had he not had a viselike grip on my waist, I would have shot forward. I could hear the loud echoes of our fucking and shivered with shameful desire.

  I shouldn’t want this.

  My need grew larger still. I pleaded for more.

  I wanted to come. I wanted to come with his cock deep in my ass. The thought was so wrong, but at the moment, it was all I could focus on.

  The suction grew impossibly tighter and wetter until it felt like a tongue laving at my clit. I shook with pleasure and I cried out, another orgasm tearing through me yet again.

  Soon, I was delirious with my ecstasy. I knew nothing other than the pleasure coursing through my body.

  Hard. Fast. Consuming.

  I lost all realm of thought.

  I only knew that his body was on mine, and that mine was deeply enjoying what he was doing to me, every last inch of it. I knew that I never wanted it to stop. Ever.

  Orgasm after orgasm consumed me.

  At some point, he flipped me once again, slamming back into my pussy, taking me so hard that I bounced from his efforts. He pressed his body down onto mine and growled low in his throat, my tits painfully hard against his chest.

  I felt his cock throb inside me, expanding a short way until it felt like he was embedded into me. Tendrils like the one on the suctioned portion of his cock made its way into my channel, up and down, and my world exploded with pleasure.

  There was nothing that could have prepared me for the mind-blowing ecstasy that was to come next.

  His cock throbbed hard, entwined with the walls of my cunt and then, his hot seed spurted up inside me, glob after utterly glorious glob. It felt like it was never going to stop.

  I swore I saw stars.

  I screamed and moaned, his cum coating my channel again and again, settling deep inside my pussy. One orgasm rolled into the next and eventually, I squeezed my eyes shut, unable to stand the strength of them. My hips rolled and my back arched, every muscle in my body in a tense limbo that I couldn’t break free from.

  Ecstasy. It became my everything.

  When the spurts of his seed finally came to an end, my body began to calm, just the slightest bit. We stayed hooked together for a long time, until eventually, the suction left my clit and the tendrils holding his cock in place inside my pussy receded. I opened my eyes then and saw a look of serene calm pass over him.

  I almost cried when he pulled free of me. Whether in shame, sadness that his cock no longer connected to my body, or in exhaustion, I’d never know.

  He collapsed next to me and pulled me close.

  My eyes fluttered closed once again and I knew no more, my fatigue finally catching up to me.

  I didn’t even dream that night. I knew nothing beyond the blackness that consumed me.

  Chapter Three


  I woke the next morning with the strange girl by my side.

  What the hell? I blinked, taking a long moment in order to try to remember what happened. With a deep sigh, I began to remember the night before.

  Momentary flashes of Saleos. Of the way he’d massacred some of the only humans left in the compound. Of her fucking delicious scent. Of her stepping toward me. It all came back, slowly and surely until I realized what I had done with a numb sort of horror.

  I realized I’d lost control. I’d mounted her against her will and I didn’t even know her name. I’d rutted her like a goddamn animal. Held her down and forced my cock deep between her legs and in her ass. I’d taken her without her consent.

  For a long moment, I just stared at her. She trembled slightly, and I realized she must be cold, so I turned back to the fire pit, feeling at a loss.

  I quietly rekindled the flames and hung my head, wiping my palm down my face, trying to figure out what to do next. I looked down on her naked body, saw where my fingers had held her down, where they were likely to bruise as the day progressed, and sighed.

  How could I have lost it so completely?

  The fight with Saleos had left me at a place with no control whatsoever. My epinephrine levels had surged higher than ever before, and I’d been unable to stop my baser instincts. I knew how it worked. I’d had the science explained to me a number of times. My hormones surged at any hint of a threat and a fight like that with Saleos had made them much higher than usual.

  Usually I could keep control of my instincts. I could keep my mental faculties about me, but what Saleos had done, the massacre, the chaos, him trying to hurt yet another innocent woman had nearly driven me mad with rage. I’d wanted to kill him. And seeing her body, completely bare like that still had my cock hardening in excitement, even now. I’d never been around a naked woman in that state either and that had put me over the edge.

  I remember how she smelled last night. How her dark blue eyes had looked at me with insatiable curiosity and a lust she probably didn’t even know she had. I remembered her scent, the way I could smell her arousal on the air when she moved. Her essence had been sweet, like peaches and berries and it had driven me wild with need. I had kept it under control, at least until she started moving toward me.

  I’d warned her not to come closer. I
’d warned her of what would happen, and I had tried my best to quell the beast, even as she moved closer, but even so, she’d been no match for me. The animal inside me had needed to take her and I had been powerless to resist. The beast within me had needed her to spread her legs and I’d taken what I needed. Every last inch of it.

  Her hair was a beautiful burgundy red and just seeing it made me want to run my fingers through it. Her pale skin was dotted with freckles and I ached to run my fingers along its soft surface. Her body was delightfully curvy, her breasts perky and big enough to fill each one of my palms. Just looking at her ass again made me want to fuck her, sweet and slow just like she deserved. Not like what I had done last night.

  I shook my head.

  She probably hated me. Probably thought I raped her. Probably even thought I was going to kill her.

  I saw evidence of my seed drying on her skin, of the marks on her ass where I’d slapped her.

  I’d used her, and I’d used her hard. I swallowed. Ashamed.

  She sighed softly and at once, I felt the incredible need to care for her. To make sure she was safe and unhurt. She was human though and she had needs. She required nourishment. Water, food, whatever I could find to give her. I’d focus on that first.

  She’d need to eat and drink right away. My eyes wandered up and down her body, looking for obvious injuries that I’d missed before.

  It was then that I noticed the dried streaks of blood up and down her legs, all across her belly, and scattered about her arms. Everywhere. Upon a quick visual inspection, she didn’t appear to have any obvious injuries, but I’d have to clean and examine her more thoroughly. I didn’t think I had done that kind of damage to her myself, but I’d have to make sure. I wouldn’t ever forgive myself if I had.

  I didn’t know what Saleos had done to her before I tore her away from him.

  I did know he’d left a massacre in his wake. I knew the entire room had been bloody, that no human in the compound was left alive. He’d fucking killed them all. My fear for her rose by the second.

  I had to make sure she was alright though and part of doing that was feeding her first.

  I walked away from the cavern, looking back one last time to ensure she was still resting. She didn’t move. She needed her rest, so I wouldn’t wake her until I could feed her. I thought she’d sleep for some time and although I was nervous to leave her, I had to take the chance.

  I left the caves, sprinting off into the woods in search of the human stores of food. I ran for a good long while, my lungs never tiring, my muscles pushing me forward every step of the way. I was designed for this sort of thing. The humans had ensured I had heightened strength, endurance, as well as increased sensory overload, including sight, smell, and sound.

  They had intended to use me and my brethren for military conquests. Through genetic modification, they intended to raise an army of incredible super soldiers, enforcers of their will, and using our innate ability to produce massive amounts of epinephrine to their gain. They had envisioned using my kind, forcing us to hunt down and kill their enemies at will, just like intelligent attack dogs.

  Even now, the thought sickened me.

  We were able to sustain very high levels of the hormone epinephrine for extended periods of time. It made us stronger and as a result, we all outperformed humans by an extreme margin. From my understanding, they had been developing the genetic enhancement for a period of time, but in many cases, it didn’t work or went horribly wrong.

  Many of my brethren died. Some in utero, some as children, and even others at a late stage of adolescence. There were only a few of us that had made it to adulthood, remarkably. In many cases, the scientists had tried to enhance our fighting and hunting skills, but in a surprising twist, sexual urges were also increased and were often times completely savage and uncontrollable. In more than one case, the genetically modified aliens turned into frenzied beasts that raped and killed a fair number of scientists along the way. Their blood lust was insatiable and they all had to be put down. Every last one of them.

  As of now, the only ones left were me and Saleos. We happened to be special because their latest genetic modulation experiments gave us impenetrable skin to their more basic firearms. They’d made us more powerful than ever. Fucking idiots.

  Saleos had been the humans’ biggest mistake. He was an angry, raving beast that was utterly uncontrollable. The humans had tried to keep him contained, but when he escaped, it had ended in a massacre. The worst part of it all was that he still kept his intelligence through it all. He thought the human species deserved everything he’d done to them, furious at his captivity and their need to try to control him, so he aimed to kill them all.

  He was consumed with revenge.

  He’d had it much worse than I did. They’d always kept him in a cage, whereas they allowed me to be free.

  Lost in thought, I continued my sprint down the mountainside until I came back to the central compound. I carefully wandered inside, moving slowly and trying to sense if anyone was still alive and if Saleos was still around. I couldn’t sense either and continued on inside, using the first-floor portal to travel directly to the food stores. I stuffed a nearby bag full of cheeses, meats, and breads, a few bottles of water, as well as some wine.

  When I finished, I used the portal to travel back to the first floor. I sprinted back up the mountain, careful to keep my steps silent and sure. I made it back to the cave in no time at all and was relieved to see that she was still resting on the mattress I’d dragged up here.

  She looked like an angel when she slept.

  I got to work over the fire, stoking it up even further so that I could begin to cook some of the raw meat. There was an assortment of sliced meats that were already cooked. I chopped up some cheese, fried up a few pieces of bacon, chicken meat, and sausage and set it all out on a plate once I finished. I noticed that she began to stir once the smell of sustenance was on the air and I allowed myself to smile a little.

  I was going to take care of her today. Show her I wasn’t the monster I’d been last night. Maybe she wouldn’t run from my cave screaming in horror.

  She lifted her head, opened those pretty blue eyes of hers, and stared right at me.

  “Hey there,” I said after a long moment, hesitant to see the anger come back in her eyes once she recognized me or worse, fear.

  “Hi,” she answered hesitantly, her voice extremely hoarse.

  I remembered I’d made her scream a lot last night.

  “I’ve made some breakfast for you. Come eat,” I said softly, trying my best to seem nonthreatening. Calmly, she pushed herself out of bed, groaning quietly as she rose. I tried not to let my eyes drift up and down her beautiful body, but it was difficult. Just seeing her long, lean limbs made my cock harden once again. I shifted my legs to hide it, grateful for my cloth pants once again.

  “I’m so sore,” she said, her voice cracking.

  “Here, you should drink some water,” I suggested, passing her a bottle. She took it from me, if a bit hesitantly. She sat down on a rock by the fire, taking care not to step too close to the embers. Carefully, she brought it up to her lips and I watched her, careful to not seem too threatening.

  She gulped down the whole thing in just under a minute. I wasn’t that surprised, due to what I’d put her through the night before. When she was finished with the water, I passed her the plate of cooked and cold meats and cheeses. I tried not to grin when I heard her stomach growl hungrily in response. She was definitely hungry, if not starving.

  She took the plate and began to roll the meats and cheeses together. We were both quiet while she ate. I tended the fire and added a few additional logs to the blaze. I was pleased to see her eat a good portion of the food before beginning to slow.

  “I’ve given you my name. Would you give me yours?” I asked.

  She stilled, lifting her eyes to meet mine. I saw something there I didn’t expect. She wasn’t scared or angry, but curious. Her chee
ks flushed prettily, and she averted her eyes, hunching her shoulders and pressing her legs together in what I could only identify as quiet shame. She licked her lips, before lifting her head with a sudden boldness and sureness, her confidence returning in the span of a few seconds.

  “My name is Cosima Rose,” she answered, her voice stronger now that she had water and food, less hoarse.

  I tasted her name on my tongue.

  It sounded right on my lips.

  She looked settled and more comfortable as the minutes ticked by. I was pleased to see that she dug into the food with gusto. She needed the energy.

  My gaze drifted up and down her body, seeing the dried blood and mud all over her limbs once again. My fear for her safety steadily grew upon noticing it for a second time, and I struggled to wait until she had finished her meal before I inspected every inch of her body for injuries. I needed to see that she was alright. If not, I had to journey out of the caves and gather some of the humans’ medical supplies and care for her.

  When she was finally finished eating and had set the plate aside, I stood and set my jaw firmly.

  I had to examine her for injuries now, whether she liked it or not.

  She stilled, watching me.

  “Come. I’ll carry you to the hot springs and we can get you washed up,” I said.

  “I can wash myself,” she countered.

  I stiffened.

  I could feel my emotions beginning to spiral and the telltale trickle of adrenaline coursing through my veins at her disrespectful tone. I took a deep steadying breath and with that came a quiet calmness and a certain need for her to obey me. I was dominant by nature, and the hormones only sought to amplify that. The beast within me was demanding her immediate obedience.

  I moved closer to her and she stilled.

  “Stand up,” I demanded.

  When she didn’t, I just took her by the arm and pulled her up, if a bit roughly. In no time at all, I had thrown her over my shoulder and took off deeper into the caves toward the springs. She kicked and punched at me, but I didn’t let that stop me from bringing her there. She was going to submit to my inspection, whether she liked it or not.