The Warrior's Little Princess Page 4
“Darrius? What are they going to do to me?”
“Don’t worry, little one. Nothing bad is going to happen. Just trust me, okay?” he reassured her, yet the insecurity was still apparent in her eyes.
“I’ll clear off the table for her. I have a clean white cloth she can lie on for the exam,” Shayla offered.
Darrius took Irena’s hand into his and guided her toward the table. He turned her around and loosened the sash at her waist. Gently he lifted the dress over her head, and she didn’t fight him. He pressed his lips to her temple and murmured his praise for her.
“Obey me in all things this afternoon and I will reward you when we return to my home. I won’t hesitate to redden that bottom of yours again if you disobey me. This is for your own good. I promise you are safe. Do you trust me?”
When she met his eyes, and nodded, if a bit hesitatingly, he felt himself harden instantly. He grinned; her submissive tendencies were shining through in the most beautiful way. Her gentle demure nature made him adore her even more, and want to protect her through any hardship she’d ever face for the rest of her life.
“That’s my good girl,” he whispered so that just she could hear.
He unlaced her corset and lifted the chemise off her body. She blushed and crossed her arms over her chest, looking over his shoulder at both Richard and Shayla. He could tell she was feeling incredibly insecure.
“Hold onto my shoulders, sweetheart. We need you naked for the examination ritual.”
She obeyed and he grasped the waistline of her drawers. He slid them down her slim waist and down her legs, allowing her to pick her feet up one by one so that he could remove them from her trembling body. At last, she stood before him naked and he took a long moment to admire the curves of her breasts, her hips, and the bare lips of her pussy. She was a vision and he’d do whatever it took to make her his forever.
Shayla cleared off the big table behind her, and spread a clean white cloth atop it. He lifted Irena up onto the table, placing her bottom gently on the edge.
“Let us begin,” Shayla said. He could have sworn she lowered her voice just enough to make Irena shake even harder. He knew she was scared, and he would help her through it, even if he had to spank her bare bottom to calm his little minx.
Chapter Four
Irena sat on the hard table, a white cloth separating her bare skin from the aged oak wood. She stared back at the strange woman with dreadlocks and the blond man with the beard. She reached for Darrius’s hand, needing to feel his comforting aura around hers.
“Is there something you can do to make this easier? Use your magic to take away what’s making me so scared?”
His yellow eyes met hers, narrowing slightly with a pained expression.
“Not without hurting you, little one. You’re just going to have to trust me. I’ll hold your hand the entire time if it’ll make it better.”
He squeezed her fingers and she felt a warmth pass through her at his confident touch. With firmness, he guided her to lay back on the table, her bottom pressing into the hard wood underneath her. The group of people gathered materials around her, but she closed her eyes for a second to calm herself and then opened them again to watch, unable to quell her curiosity.
The woman, Shayla, gathered myriad clay containers as the doctor began to poke and prod her. He lifted each of her arms, examining the angry purple bruising there from the goblin’s rough treatment.
She trembled under his touch as it moved down her body slowly but surely. He asked her to roll her shoulder and to bend her arms and she had to guess he was assessing her range of motion or something like that. His touch felt entirely clinical, yet she could help but notice that her body was beginning to respond once again.
Drawing in a deep breath, she tensed as the clinician’s fingers pressed down on her breasts. Her nipples tightened as he circled them, pinching them roughly before he moved on to her stomach. All over he examined her body for any signs of trauma, finding little other than a few sensitive spots and bruises from the events of the other day.
He reached in between her thighs and spread her legs. Nervously, she gripped Darrius’s hand harder, unsure of what was to happen next. Feeling incredibly wanton, yet ashamed, she felt the cool air graze against her moist lips. Without a doubt, her cunny was very wet and everyone in the room would know.
“She’s very responsive, Necromancer,” the doctor said dryly and Irena felt herself flush in response. She felt so embarrassed yet her body craved more, wanted more.
“That she is, Richard. I can see how much she is enjoying being on display in front of all of us. She’s quite aroused.”
Irena tried to cover her face, knowing that her cheeks were probably blushing bright red, but Darrius caught her wrists and gently guided them back to the table.
“Irena, remember what I said would happen if you were ashamed of how your body was reacting? Did you forget already?”
“No, I didn’t forget,” she murmured quietly.
“Tell me then. What will happen to naughty girls who try to hide their bodies?”
“You’ll spank my bottom, sir,” she whispered, barely audible.
“I’ll get a spanking for disobedience,” she said, her voice wavering to obey him. She looked up at Shayla and at the doctor for a quick second, before tearing her gaze away. Her bottom clenched tightly and she moaned quietly as liquid heat trailed down her thighs. She couldn’t even hide it if she tried. She was terribly turned on at the thought of being turned over his knees once again.
“Good girl. Don’t let it happen again or else you’ll get another spanking in front of Shayla and Richard. Understand?”
“Yes, sir,” she mumbled, poking out her lower lip in what she hoped was a pitiful pout. The thought of getting spanked again both excited and unnerved her, especially with onlookers.
The doctor chuckled and she felt his cool hands move up her thigh and all at once, it was too much. She clamped her legs back together as she scooted back on the table. Curling up, she hugged her knees to her chest and a dark and dangerous look passed over Darrius’s face. Her stomach seemed to drop when she realized it was directed at her.
“I can’t. I don’t want him to touch me there. I won’t do it. I want to leave.”
With a sigh, Darrius sat down on the table beside her and before she knew it, he’d grasped her wrist and hauled her over his hard thighs. Her belly pressed against the rough cloth of his pants and she felt the hardness between his legs against her hip. For a moment, she wondered about what it looked like and what it might feel like pressed deep within her core, but she was quickly distracted by a hard smack across each of her bottom cheeks.
“No! Don’t spank me!” she cried out, but soon realized the futility of her words as his broad palm paddled her already sore backside. His hand seemed to cup to the curve of her cheeks, so that not a single square inch of her flesh went unpunished. She’d been disobedient and now she was facing the consequences.
She wriggled and squirmed to escape her punishment, but to no avail. His palm was true with every single spank, leaving her begging and crying for him to forgive her. He finally began to focus on the area where the curve of her bottom cheeks met her upper thighs, which stung much more so than the rest of her backside. He was relentless and no matter how much she kicked and fought, she was still getting punished.
Not long after, she felt tears begin to prickle at the corners of her eyes. When he began to focus solely on her upper thighs, she began to sob openly, unable to do anything but cry and try to mumble jumbled apologies.
She was hardly aware that the spanking finally stopped, until he gathered her firmly up into his arms. Surrounded by his warmth, she started to calm. Sniffling, she buried her tear-streaked face into his chest.
“I don’t want him to touch me there. I only want you to do that.”
When she said that, his
arms got tighter and she heard him draw in a shaky breath. He kissed the top of her head before he responded.
“You only have to endure this just once, I promise. Trust me, I’m not so pleased about another man touching you there either. Tell you what, I’ll cover your eyes so you don’t have to see, okay? And I’ll hold your hand the whole time. After this, I’ll be the only one to gaze upon your pretty pink pussy ever again. So, will you trust me? Will you allow the doctor to complete his physical examination?”
Begrudgingly, she nodded into his shoulder, still a little teary-eyed from her punishment. Really, she just wanted to feel Darrius’s hands all over her and not this strange doctor. Having trouble reconciling with her body’s reactions, she curled closer into Darrius’s arms, not wanting the moment to end. Unfortunately, he rose a few seconds later and laid her back onto the table, her hot and sore bottom scalded anew by the hard wood beneath her.
“Move your bottom toward the edge of the table, sweetheart,” Darrius directed and she did her best to obey him. Even though the spanking had hurt, she felt much calmer, almost as though he’d paddled her anxiety away. It was easy to follow his command, to give herself over to him completely after a spanking, and she relished the feeling. He was so calm, so in control, and so overwhelmingly safe, that she trusted him, despite the short time they had been together.
He guided her legs up so that they bent enough where only her heels were on the table, close to her aching bottom cheeks. True to his word, his hand covered her eyes and she was left to only feel. She focused on his warmth as the doctor began to touch her once again. Blinded as she was, she tried to focus on the sensations occurring in her body and moaned when chilly digits brushed against her slickness between her thighs. A finger circled around her clit and her back nearly arched off the table with pleasure instead of the fear that she had felt before. Darrius plucked at her nipples and she whimpered, yearning for more. The doctor moved backward toward the entrance of her pussy and began to probe inside her. Gently, his pushed one finger inside her and then two and she moaned at the novel sensation of fullness.
“She’s intact, sir, still a virgin,” the doctor said quietly, almost as if he was trying not to scare her, but she was already too far gone. Her body tingled, her nerves on fire and all she wanted was to have Darrius’s tongue between her legs again. She was desperate for it.
His thumb moved backwards, lower still to a place no one had dared venture before. With a gasp, Irena realized he was going to examine her bottom hole next. Her pussy clenched around the man’s fingers and she couldn’t help but notice that her body was reacting with excitement rather than revulsion. Without a doubt, her body yearned for him to touch her there, to venture into such a forbidden place, but her mind was torn at the feeling of it. She should be ashamed of her wanton reaction, but somewhere deep inside her, she wanted more. She craved more.
His thumb grazed over her tight rim of muscle, still slickened by the juices between her legs. The doctor pressed down on her bottom hole and she felt her body fight the foreign feeling, until all at once, his digit broke through into her forbidden channel. The feeling was strange and unexpected, but oddly pleasurable. With his fingers still in her pussy and his thumb breaching her tight backside, she felt full like never before.
“An anal virgin too, I reckon, Necromancer.”
All at once, the doctor pulled his fingers out of her and she groaned, feeling emptier than ever. Her cunny clenched at the emptiness of the chilly air.
“The physical examination is complete. She is healthy physically and will make a rather good wife based on her obvious responsiveness. I will take my leave so that you may begin the magical portion of the ritual.”
“Thank you, Doctor,” Darrius said, his voice tight with restraint. Irena felt his hands tighten around hers and she smiled inwardly at his protectiveness. Already, she felt like she was his and his alone. The idea wasn’t a terrible one and if she thought about it, she kind of liked it.
Shayla moved beside her and offered her a cup of water, which Irena drank greedily. The other man packed up his things and quickly said his goodbyes before leaving the hut.
“Ready, my child? It’s time for my magic to examine you. I promise I’ll make it more enjoyable for you than that doctor did,” the woman said with a raspy voice and an odd blanket of warmth enveloped Irena. The feeling felt unnatural, with elements of darkness peeking in from the edges, but still, she felt strangely safe.
“Give into my powers, lrena, and this will be much easier for you.”
Unsure, she looked back at Darrius for reassurance and he nodded. Looking back at the witch woman, Irena watched as Shayla unscrewed the caps on countless jars.
“Sit in front of me. I must draw the spell on you with specialized ingredients, which will take some time. Each one is special, weaving powers together to perform the ritual of a woman’s coming of age examination. It’s a ritual designed to test your responsiveness, as well as your aura to make sure you are matched as best to a mate as possible. It uses ancient magic to assess if you’ve found your soul mate. In your case, I will also test this memory issue of yours and see if we can’t find a solution to it.”
“My mate?”
“Now don’t you worry about what the future holds, little one, just listen to what I tell you to do. Don’t worry, you’re safe and nothing is going to hurt,” Shayla said gruffly. Irena could tell that the woman was used to being obeyed without question. When Darrius said nothing, Irena sat up and moved in front of the witch and watched as the woman dipped her hand into one of the clay jars. She acted more out of curiosity than anything else. What kind of tricks did this woman have up her sleeve?
Shayla began spreading a dark mud across Irena’s chest in an intricate design of circles and connected lines. Irena watched in silence for some time before she was guided to lie down on her back on the table once again. The witch painted her breasts, her stomach, her thighs, and even the place in between her legs. Her skin tingled beneath the colorful mud and the more paint that decorated her body, the more her skin began to prickle with an unnatural warmth.
Her breath became heavier and deeper the longer she lay on that table, almost as if she was fading into a trance. Her heart hammered in her chest, the beat louder with every passing moment. After what seemed like forever, Shayla finished painting her and sat down in a nearby chair. Feeling as though she was in a daze, Irena watched as the woman took a small drum in off a nearby shelf and placed it in her lap. The witch closed her eyes and began to chant, a low murmur that seemed to grasp deep into the very far reaches of Irena’s soul.
The beat began to sound, low and steady.
Irena began to pant, her body coming alive under the woman’s spell. Every nerve in her body was on overdrive, lightning bolts of heat shooting across her body with such intensity that she was quickly overwhelmed by it.
Boom. Boom.
The drumbeat continued and her body seemed to come more alive with every fleeting second. Her nipples peaked into tight little buds and her thighs started to quiver, an unquestionable sense of desire taking over her system. She felt like she was on fire, the painted spell on her body igniting her skin like she never felt before.
Liquid heat pooled between her legs.
Her breath quickening, she finally closed her eyes, overtaken by the incredible sensations cascading through every inch of her.
The moment she closed her eyes, it was though she was flying through the clouds, touching the stars that seemed so far away the night before. The moon was almost in reach, bright in the sky above her. Her vision became hazy, the stars moving in around her like a developing hurricane. Almost as if pulled in by the gravity of a nearby star, she hurtled toward it. The air around her burned with fire, hotter than ever.
Her back arched and she was surrounded by a blinding light, white hot in intensity. Her muscles tensed with restrained pleasure, locked within her like a prisoner in a cell. A disembodied female voice sounded, se
emingly far off in the distance.
“Touch her now. You must bring her to completion to complete the ritual.”
All at once, a marvelous pressure developed between her legs, circling her needy bud. Rampant arousal dripped down her thighs at his touch. Trembling with ecstasy, her body burned hotter, yearning for release with such desperation that she felt like she would die without it.
His lips pressed against her inner thigh, right on top of the mural painted on her body. Almost as if struck by a meteor, she lost all control. Desire flared within her, so overwhelming that it felt like every nerve was on overdrive.
Her back arched off the table and her hands clawed at the wood beneath her. The pressure between her legs was relentless, forcing her higher and higher into a world of pleasure. Screams of desire escaped from her throat, but she didn’t care.
So incredibly caught up in the throes of passion, she felt as though she was falling into a black hole and she didn’t know when she would hit the bottom. The drumbeat still sounded, far away yet so heavy in its strength that she felt as though her heart followed in sheer obedience.
Finally, the drums started to slow, almost as if they were giving her permission to come down from her release. Eventually, she was able to catch her breath, collapsing on the table in sheer exhaustion from the experience. Opening her eyes, she looked over at the warm smile on the witch’s face and Darrius standing by her side.
“The ritual is complete,” the woman’s raspy voice rang out. “She is a perfect match for you, Necromancer, there is no question. An impeccable specimen of a woman.”
“Thank you, Shayla. Were you able to ascertain what robbed her of her memory?”
She paused a long time before answering him.
“Unfortunately, no. But I can tell you this, whatever it was, it was an ancient power. One so old that even my magic won’t reveal its secrets. I could tell that there was some sort of source though, however I have no idea what it could be. Someone did this to her, that much is certain.”