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The Warrior's Little Princess Page 11
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Page 11
“Who are you?” she asked, hoping this man would offer her some insight to her current situation.
“Don’t be silly, Irena. Your sister will be here any minute. We’ve all missed you so much. Since you’ve been gone, I haven’t been able to sleep, I’ve been so worried. I couldn’t bear the thought of my eldest daughter, the future queen of Renvale, kidnapped, hurt, or even worse, dead. I’m so relieved that you’ve been found.”
“I have a sister?”
The man stared back at her, the look on his face incredulous.
“Where’s Darrius? I don’t understand what’s going on.”
“What’s wrong with you, child? Did you hit your head or something?”
“I’m your daughter?”
“You don’t remember me?” he asked, frowning with confusion.
She shook her head and looked down at the floor, scuffing her foot with frustration. She hated not remembering where she came from and who this man was. All she wanted to run back to Darrius’s arms, so that he could tell her it was all going to be okay and that he still wanted to marry her. She didn’t want to be in this stupid castle anymore with people who knew her when she didn’t know them in return.
“What’s she doing here? I thought she was gone for good!” a shrill female voice rang out, one that was dripping with contempt.
Irena turned to see a girl who looked a little younger than her. Straight blond hair hung to her waist, framing a petite face with green flashing eyes that were directed straight at her. She was wearing a frilly purple gown, complete with lavender silk and lace. The girl looked fit to be a queen, complete with the righteous attitude of one.
Irena took a step backwards, choosing to trust the man behind her rather than this new arrival. She turned around to face him to see a glimmer of bewilderment pass over him, only to be quickly replaced with anger.
“Sofia. I expect better behavior than this from you. We all missed your sister very much and it is unbecoming for you to act this way. It does not befit a daughter of mine, never mind a princess of Renvale.”
“A princess?” Irena whispered, unbelieving. “And you’re the king?”
The man’s brow softened as he stood up from his throne. He walked toward her and lifted her chin with his fingers. His eyes looked sad, yet full of understanding.
“Yes, my dear Irena. I’m your father, the king of Renvale, and this is your younger sister Sofia, your fellow princess. You are my eldest daughter and are first in line for the throne. You really don’t remember any of this?”
She shook her head and chewed at her lip.
“I’ll get our best doctors and sorcerers here pronto. We’ll figure out what’s going on with that pretty little head of yours right away. Until then, let’s sit down to dinner and you can tell me everything that you remember.”
Sofia glared back at her, her mouth a firm line of annoyed hatred. She crossed her arms and looked away, but not before Irena caught a glimmer of worry that passed over her features. It was gone within a second and Irena questioned if she even saw it in the first place.
Irena suddenly felt like she didn’t want to remember. She wanted her life with Darrius back, not some life with a sister who very clearly despised her.
Quickly, she was whisked away into a nearby dining room, where there was a feast that would feed an entire army waiting for them. A roasted pig, complete with a red apple in its mouth, was set on a massive silver platter in the center of the table.
A waiter came by and served her plate as she sat down. She reached to pick up her fork and knife, but he quickly brushed her hands aside and began cutting her food for her into bitesize pieces. He even made a move to feed her a slice of pork before she forced the fork from his fingers and did it herself.
Sofia sat across from her, looking just as irritated and displeased as she did before. The girl didn’t say a word to her. Irena tried not to make eye contact with her little sister, sensing the girl’s annoyance with her presence.
She liked when Darrius took care of her, not some man she didn’t know.
Her father, the king, began to ask her questions about the time she was missing. Slowly, but surely, she began to trust the elderly man and told him some of the things that had happened since she had woken up in the woods and been captured by goblins.
His face became increasingly concerned the more she spoke, especially when he began asking more about her time with Darrius. She told him how he took care of her, but left out the fact about the times he’d turned her over his knee and the things they had done in bed together. She fidgeted a little, thinking about his heavy palm on her upturned naked rear and felt her face flush in response. She certainly missed him.
“So this man, he had you in his house alone for well over a month?”
“Yes, he took care of me and kept me safe, after he rescued me from those terrible monsters. I couldn’t remember anything of my past, so he protected me while hoping I would recall something, anything of my former life.”
The king dragged his fingers across his chin, his look becoming increasingly concerned.
“If the public ever found out you had lived with a man out of wedlock, it would create quite a scandal…” he mused.
“You don’t need to worry about that. Darrius and I are going to get married,” she said excitedly.
“To a commoner? Unlikely. I could never allow such a thing.”
“What do you mean? I hardly know you!”
“I’m your father, Irena. It’s not your choice.”
“But, that’s not fair,” she exclaimed, getting angrier by the second.
“Enough, Irena. You’re a princess of Renvale and your responsibility is to your people, not to your heart. Finish your dinner and retire to your bedroom. I will not hear another word of this nonsense. In the morning, my best sorcerer and doctor will come examine that head of yours and figure out what’s going on.”
“Father, that’s not necessary. She hasn’t always been the brightest star in the sky and probably just hit her head in a fall or something. Since she can’t remember anything, that would probably make her unfit for the throne, right?”
“Sofia, you know how the line of succession works. Irena is my eldest, therefore she is due to inherit the throne before you. You know better than that. Anyway, straight to bed with you two. I’ve got some things to take care of.”
“Yes, Father,” Sofia piped up, a fake smile plastered all over her face.
The king left the room then, leaving Irena alone with her younger sister. The girl’s face turned from a smile into a dreadful grimace of hatred, startling Irena in its intensity.
“You know, you weren’t supposed to come back,” she said in a huff. Sofia smacked her hands down on the table as she stood up, quickly following the king out the door, leaving Irena all alone.
Tears prickled at the edges of Irena’s eyes. The waiter near her offered her a hand and led her out of the dining room and up a tall flight of stairs. She was brought up to an elaborate ostentatious bedroom, far different than the little cabin she had begun to call home with her daddy.
She missed him terribly.
The door shut behind her and she heard a click. Turning around, she tried to turn the door handle and cried out in dismay when she found it locked. She was trapped.
Rushing over to the big bed, she threw herself down onto the covers and began to sob. Despite being surrounded by beautiful rich tapestries and gorgeous jewelry, she wanted none of it. All she wanted was her daddy and a spanking to remind her that she was his.
High up in a tower, all alone, she cried herself to sleep. The entire situation was hopeless. What was she going to do now?
* * *
Darrius returned to the store later that day only to find Trey, Zed, and Irena gone. He rushed inside to find the shop owner who pointed him in the direction down the street.
Swinging up on Regan, he tore off down the street.
Everyone in the street rushed to get out of his wa
y and when he stopped to ask questions, many cowered away from him.
Feeling lost, he slowed, stopping before a cart full of stuffed animals.
“See something you like, Necromancer?” The street merchant looked up at him with a grin. “I’ve got plenty of merchandise to make any woman happy, you name it.”
“Have you seen a young woman? Blond hair with ringlets, blue eyes, tiny, wearing a purple velvet dress?” Darrius asked, trying to keep the edge of worry and anger out of his voice.
“Pretty young thing, you mean? Oh, yes… I saw her earlier today. She really liked the stuffed bear I have here. My best product in fact! She’d really love it when you finally find her…” the man said.
“You remember her?”
“I might. Let me think…”
“I’ll take the bear. See if that jostles your memory.”
Darrius threw five gold coins in his direction and the man grinned.
“The royal guard escorted Princess Irena back to the castle. Didn’t recognize her, did you, huh? Those men that were with her? I’m pretty sure they’re locked behind bars, awaiting trial for kidnapping the king’s daughter.”
“How long ago?” Darrius pressed, his brow furrowing with suspicion.
“A few hours ago.”
“Keep the change,” Darrius yelled as he tore off in the direction of the castle. By the time he made it, the castle drawbridge had already been taken up. With an aggravated sigh, he looked out to the horizon, the last few glimmers of the sun peeking over the mountain.
He was too late; he’d have to come again in the morning. He knew palace business only took place during daylight hours. It would take days to organize a trial against Zed and Trey, but that’s not who he was worried about. If Irena was indeed a royal princess, she still didn’t remember anything about it. She’d be scared and alone. She wouldn’t know anyone.
He ached to take care of her, to hold her, and then spank her silly for not being where he left her. Then, he’d fuck her hard all night until she begged him to stop. He needed his little girl.
Turning away from the castle, he booked a room at a nearby tavern. He sat down at the bar and ordered a whiskey. He downed it in one swig and ordered another.
“Rough day?” the bartender asked as he topped off his drink.
“You couldn’t even imagine…”
“Try me,” the man said, leaning down on the counter in front of him.
“So Princess Irena, daughter to the king of Renvale,” Darrius began.
“Oh, man, you don’t want anything to do with that pretty face. She’s a total witch and the king would never marry her off to just anyone that didn’t have his own royal crown.”
Darrius smirked a little. This guy hadn’t recognized him. He pulled his hood further down to shadow his face and gestured for another refill.
“I happen to think she’s a sweet girl. Beautiful, with the biggest heart I’ve ever seen.”
“I think you’re mistaken. I’ve seen that girl in one of her tantrums, she wanted a new ring or something. In my opinion, if she was my girl, I’d spank that bottom until she learned some respect. But you didn’t hear that from me.”
“Spoiled rotten then?”
“Yeah, and she disappeared sometime last month, although,” he paused while deep in thought, “I heard rumors that some local townsfolk saw her just today.”
“She’s been gone for a while then. Wonder where she was?” Darrius pressed, hoping the bartender would tell him a little more.
“She was gone for a few weeks I think. Funny thing was her sister never seemed sad. In fact, she seemed excited. If you ask me? Probably some foul play there. You see, her sister is younger and Irena was first in line for the throne. And then Irena disappears. I think that’s pretty suspicious,” the bearded man continued, his voice low.
“Does seem pretty fishy, huh. Think she’ll be in the Great Hall tomorrow?” Darrius asked.
“If the rumors prove true, definitely. With her being gone for so long, the king is going to want to marry her off right quick. After all, who knows where she was for more than a whole month?”
Darrius smirked underneath the shadow of his cloak. Swallowing the last of his drink, he tossed back his hood and watched the bartender’s face as he recognized him.
“Necromancer! I’m so sorry, I didn’t know it was you!”
“With any luck, I’ll have her back over my knee tomorrow night, right where she belongs,” Darrius growled, grinning as the memory of her bare bottom came to mind.
The man’s eyes widened as big as saucers as he nodded.
“Yes, sir. I’m sure everything will work out.”
Darrius slapped a few additional gold coins onto the counter before standing up.
“Forget you saw me, tavern keep. I’ll be gone in the morning.”
“Of course. Anything you ask, Necromancer,” the bartender answered with wide eyes.
Darrius pulled his hood back up and sauntered up the stairs to his room. He’d fetch his naughty little minx tomorrow and make sure that she realized that she was his, and only his. He was her daddy and she was his girl, period.
Chapter Twelve
Darrius woke early the next morning and entered the castle shortly after the drawbridge dropped. He bought breakfast from a local merchant in the entrance, keeping his hood up and his identity a secret. He made his way into the Great Hall, where a line of people were waiting to detail their grievances to the king in hopes of some kind of assistance.
He’d been to many events like this before and leaned back against the wall to watch the dramatics of the day. Oftentimes, he’d find someone looking to hire a sellsword to rid themselves of some problem, making such trips into the city fairly profitable.
Instead, he was looking for something different today. He wanted his princess.
The king made his grand entrance to sit on the throne, where he was approached by two men. One was a well-known sorcerer, Tiberius, and the other looked to be a medical doctor. Crossing his arms, Darrius watched as the three men talked in hushed voices. Two girls walked into the room, escorted by castle maids. Their faces were blocked from his view when they entered. One skipped into the room, the other was much more subdued. She was practically dragged into the Great Hall. When they finally paused, he could see who they were.
The sister, complete with long blond hair and hard green eyes took in the sight before her. Upon seeing Tiberius, her eyes grew wide and he saw her visibly gasp. He narrowed his eyes. Suspicious indeed…
The other woman dragged in was Irena. Her eyes looked puffy. Everything about her body language indicated that she was moments away from sobbing. She was terribly afraid and he ached to hold her. Every instinct within him told him to run forward, to throw her over his shoulder and claim her as his, but something told him that he should wait. Instead, he made his way quietly forward and used his power to amplify the sound of the men’s voices.
Almost as if he was standing beside them, Darrius could hear the king’s, Tiberius’ and the doctor’s voice loud and clear. He sat down on a nearby bench and observed the happenings of the king’s court, all the while keeping a watchful eye on his girl.
“My daughter has been affected by something. I want you both to examine her head. She can’t remember a thing.”
“Of course. Maybe she hit her head and lost her memory. I will examine her for injury first,” the doctor said confidently.
Darrius nearly laughed out loud at Irena’s reaction to the physician. He poked and prodded at her head and she couldn’t help but roll her eyes in protest. It was obvious by the look on her face that she thought the whole thing was utterly ridiculous.
“I didn’t hit my head. No, it doesn’t hurt. I’m perfectly fine. Go away now,” she muttered angrily.
By the time the doctor finished his examination, he was thoroughly exasperated with her. Darrius chuckled softly, knowing that the doctor clearly didn’t know how to handle a woman like he did. The doctor
shook his head and returned to the king. He reported that he hadn’t found a thing and left in a hurry, his eyes flashing with heated aggravation.
Tiberius looked nervously back at Irena and then to Sofia. Irena’s sister’s face had gone sheet white and Darrius regarded her with increased wariness.
“Tiberius, you next. See if you can figure out what’s happened to my beloved daughter. If her lapse of memory wasn’t for medical reasons, then maybe magic can fix it,” the king ordered as he sat back in his throne with obvious frustration.
The well-known sorcerer walked over to Irena, if a bit nervously, before placing his hands on her head. Darrius watched as Irena considered the man with barely concealed contempt laced with worry.
A young maiden stepped forward, dressed in a simple black and white gown. A long braid hung down her back, a brilliant shiny chestnut in color. She looked nervous, biting her lip and fidgeting where she stood.
“What are you doing, you stupid girl! Didn’t I tell you to clean my room?” Sofia yelled, her face impossibly whiter than before.
“My king. I have something to I must tell you. I witnessed what happened to the princess,” the small demure girl whispered, her voice shaking with obvious nervousness.
Renvale’s sovereign raised his hand, shooting a harsh look in Sofia’s direction. A hush came over the Great Hall, casting a foreboding feeling over the entire crowd. Sofia settled back, looking as nervous as ever, searching for nearby exits as she backed away, before being stopped by a nearby guard.
“What’s your name, young lady?” the king asked, his voice booming in the now silent room. “And tell me, what does a pretty girl like you have to confess.”
The woman curtsied before him before speaking. She looked nervously back at Sofia before beginning to speak.
“My name is Haylee. And I am a handmaiden in your household, sir.”
Low whispers sounded throughout the room.
“Now what did you want to tell your king…” the elderly man said patiently.