Wedded to the Warriors Page 11
The man’s arms came back down to his sides and he bowed slightly, before turning and walking away. Once he joined the ranks of the rest of the monks, they slowly filtered out the doors until the four of them were left alone.
Suddenly exhausted, she turned her head up, passing her gaze first to Tobias, then Cole, and then Luke. The three of them passed a look between them, one of pride, happiness, and a touch of concern.
“Let’s get her home and put her to bed. Our wife needs rest,” she heard Cole say as her eyes gradually closed, seemingly of their own accord. Her body jostled slightly as she was dressed back in her robe and lifted into one of their arms. Who it was, she didn’t know, nor did she care to open her eyes and find out. She was safe with her men, protected against anything that would cause her any harm. Knowing that simple fact, she rested without worry. Her breathing slowed, her tired muscles achy and well used and before long, she was fast asleep.
Chapter Eight
The next morning Cole woke early, as he usually did. Taking advantage of the opportunity, he watched his new wife sleep in his bed, admiring the gentle sway of her curves, the way her lean stomach traced down to her beautiful hips, her dark hair hiding the rosy buds of her nipples. She looked so small, so fragile, that it awakened something deep inside him, the need to protect her at all costs. When she woke, he would outline rules for her, to keep her safe and happy in their care.
She was beautiful, more so than any woman he could have even imagined. With blue eyes the color of the deep sea, there was a depth to her like no one he’d ever met before. Ollorin females, although incredibly well respected due to their rarity, couldn’t hold a candle to his sweet genuine human. She was perfect.
He remembered the softness of her skin, the way her cheeks blushed and she bit her lower lip when she was self-conscious or embarrassed and how she had completely let go with him during the mating ceremony. His favorite moment had been when her little pink tongue had darted out as she licked her lips, right before she had found her release. That movement had been ingrained in his mind ever since and he yearned for more. Her pussy had been so tight, squeezing him in the most wonderful way that he wondered what it would be like to claim her bottom hole as well. His cock hardened painfully at the thought.
The thought of sharing a bride with other men had always been normal to him. His own mother, a native of Ollorin, had two husbands herself. This was simply their way of life and it made him proud to be a part of it. Seeing how small his human female was, he was actually happy she had Luke and Tobias, along with him, to help keep her completely safe.
Once she woke, the three of them would begin introducing her to their world and really get to know her. He wanted to know about her home world and what her upbringing had been like. As her husband, it was his duty to care for her with whatever she needed and he aimed to do his very best. She had slept between him and Tobias, curling into his chest, while the commander had curled up to her backside. She’d fit between them like a missing puzzle piece, perfect in every way.
Gently untangling himself as not to wake anyone else, he strolled into the kitchen and began to prepare a breakfast large enough to feed all four of them. He loved to cook and had made sure to get the traditional appliances so that he had the opportunity to do so. The first thing he did was begin to fry a large feast of bacon, one of the guys’ favorites. Then, he put a pot of coffee on, knowing Aimee liked that with her breakfast. Next, he cracked a dozen eggs and scrambled them, taking out a large pan to cook them in. Lastly, he whipped up a batch of his favorite pancake recipe and began to dollop out the batter onto the griddle.
He heard the pitter-patter of little feet and looked toward the hallway to see Aimee staring sleepily his way. She had dressed in one of his button-up shirts he had put aside in the closet and she couldn’t have looked any sexier to him. It completely hid her body from his view, but the hint of her gorgeous figure underneath caused his cock to stiffen in his thankfully very loose gray sweatpants.
Smiling shyly at him, she sniffed the air and wandered the rest of the way into the kitchen. Taking a seat at the massive island, she watched him work, while he poured her a cup of coffee. Fixing it to her liking with cream and sugar, he handed her the hot beverage and she moaned with relief as she took a sip. He watched as she closed her eyes with pleasure, enjoying her expressions very much.
“Thank you,” she said softly, little wisps of sleepiness still evident all over her face. “You’re up early. You enjoy cooking?”
“It’s one of my favorite things to do. Lots of households on our planet have moved to automatic programmable cookers, but I like the feeling of cooking, how I can flavor things exactly to my liking. Sometimes, I feel like it’s art.”
“Better you than me,” she muttered. “I can’t cook worth a damn, outside of the simple things anyways.”
“Aimee,” he warned gently, “watch your language.”
“Hmmm. Bossy in the morning too,” she frowned, lifting the coffee to her lips. After a moment, she began to speak again. “What’s on the agenda for the day now that the marriage ceremony is over and done with, now that I’m the wife of three aliens?”
“Be careful, little one. You’ll find I’m just as strict as Tobias in some things and so is Luke, as you found out yesterday. Disobey my rules and you’ll find that naughty bottom reddened by more than just my palm.”
“You’re all bloody cavemen, spanking your women all the time.”
“What’s gotten into you this morning, little girl?”
“I’m not a morning person. I got cold when you left the bed and now I’m grumpy. Plus, I don’t like it when people order me around. No one has ever been the boss of me. I don’t follow rules, it’s kind of what I do. It’s kind of why I’m here in the first place.”
“Well, you will follow mine, kitten, or else you’ll find you won’t like the consequences. I have a wooden hairbrush with your name on it that can handle your disobedient behavior. Keep testing me and you’ll get to experience it right after breakfast.”
Cole stared her down and he saw that look on her face, the lush pink that hinted at her cheeks telling him that the entire idea turned her on. With his threat still in the air, she sat back and sipped her coffee, her attitude fading away a little.
“Rule number one. You do not, under any circumstances, leave our chamber without an escort. I forbid it. All other things I can be a little lenient on, depending on the context, except in this. Do you understand me?”
“Doesn’t matter why. You will obey because I asked you to.”
“Such bullshit,” she grumbled. Cole bristled at hearing her words. She was really testing him this morning and he had no doubt that it wouldn’t stop until she was bare bottomed over his knees. His gaze dropped to her bare legs, knowing she had no underwear on underneath, giving him easy access to punish her naughty cheeks. He’d give her one more chance.
“Aimee, I already warned you about your language. Don’t make me do it again or else you’ll get spanked after we all eat breakfast. I’m sure Luke and Tobias wouldn’t mind seeing such a thing.”
“Ugh, you’re all fucking impossible.” The moment her eyes met his, he knew without a doubt that she was pushing her boundaries, knew she wanted to see what she could get away with here with him. Normally, he didn’t fret over something as trivial as language, but if he didn’t follow through with his promise of punishment, he had no doubt that she wouldn’t ever listen to him again. Taking a deep breath, he turned back toward her and crossed his arms over his chest. Looking up, he saw Luke and Tobias enter the room and began to speak, having decided exactly how he would handle his disobedient mate.
“Ahh! Nice to see you two! I’ve cooked breakfast for everyone, so dish out and eat up. After we all finish, we’ll let our food settle and a bit later, you’ll both get to watch as Aimee receives her first hair-brushing from me. How’s that sound?”
s like the best way to start the day! Want me to put the plug up her ass before you start?” Tobias offered, his grin darkening.
“I like it. I’m always up for seeing our sexy wife’s naked butt,” Luke said excitedly. “You should make her spread her legs when you do it so I can see that delicious pussy too.”
“All good ideas and now that I think about it, I’ll definitely take you up on that plug, Tobias,” Cole said with a smile. He glanced back at Aimee, whose face had gone from pink to red.
“Haven’t even been up for an hour and already been naughty enough to get spanked? What did you do, mate, in the fifteen minutes that you’ve been awake?” Tobias asked, clearly amused.
Cole had been watching Aimee the entire time, fully aware of the utter shame that painted her red face. Her eyes had grown wide. It was pretty obvious to him that she’d considered him the nice one, the weak link among her husbands. At the moment, she’d been punished by both Luke and Tobias, but not him yet. She opened her lips a little, speechless as the three guys discussed the fate of her bottom in detail.
“Why don’t you tell them, Aimee? Why are you getting spanked?”
She glared back at him for a moment, before looking down at her hands and mumbling something that none of them could hear.
“Louder, kitten.”
“Cole warned me to watch my language and I deliberately swore a few more times to see if he would do anything. I didn’t think he was serious,” she said as she fussed with her nails, her face growing even redder by the second, a feat he didn’t think was possible.
“Ahhh. I see. Well, I look forward to it,” Tobias grinned and Cole knew he was very much enjoying her shame. That man loved the idea of dominating his woman and, out of the three of them, was definitely the kinkiest. Cole was next, liking certain aspects of being a head of household in his marriage, while Luke just mainly loved sex and lots of it, whenever he wanted it.
With a smile, Cole dished out a plate for his wife and then himself, as the other two followed suit.
“This looks delicious, dude,” Luke exclaimed. “And there’s so much bacon! I love it!”
“That’s ‘cause you two eat like you haven’t been fed in months,” he joked.
“True story, bro,” Luke laughed.
The guys dug in and Cole watched as Aimee picked at her food a little. She was definitely nervous about her future trip over his knee. He could see it written all over her face, but he wanted her to eat a real meal, especially after the exertion of the mating ceremony the day before.
“Eat up, Aimee. It would please me if you would finish your breakfast. We’ll have a bit of time to relax a bit afterwards. Don’t dwell on your upcoming punishment.”
“Easy for you to say,” she grumbled softly.
“I’ll help feed you, if you want me to, kitten.”
“No, I can do it myself,” she said, a bit more confidently. She took a big bite of eggs and then some of her pancakes, before she began to smile a little. “Wow, you really can cook. I don’t think I ever had anything this yummy in a long time.”
“Thank you for the compliment. Both Luke and Tobias like it, but they’ll eat pretty much anything.”
“Hey!” Luke said, his voice slightly defensive.
Cole saw her smile a bit more and after a little gentler prodding, she had seemingly forgotten about what was to happen in a short while. She joked with Luke, getting along easily with his confident personality, as well as Tobias, a man she had already begun to get to know a few days before.
After breakfast, Cole showed Aimee their movie collection and told her that she could pick one out to watch while he cleaned up the kitchen. He taught her how to scroll through the options by simply trailing her finger down a touchpad, and how his system would analyze her current mood and provide a short list of movies for her to choose from. Because of this, she was able to go through his massive collection quite quickly as he cleaned.
All of his movies were native to Ollorin and without a doubt were all new to her. She ended up picking a romantic comedy about a princess who falls in love with two men, a blacksmith and a candle maker. The entire plot was set generations ago, before technology came to the planet, making such occupations obsolete in the present day. He smiled at her choice, knowing that the heroine was spanked plenty of times throughout the movie, something of which was considered commonplace on his planet and to an even greater extent back then.
The four of them sat down on the couch, her cuddled on his lap, while Tobias massaged her feet and Luke sat off to the side, simply holding her hand. With a spoken command, Cole dimmed the lights and started the movie.
Before long, they were caught up in the story of a princess who was saddened and angered at the prospect of entering into an arranged marriage and in response, escaped into a surrounding town, where her two men had found her hidden in a nearby barn. She was spanked often for bad behavior, which cause Aimee to flinch in his lap a few times, especially when the men involved used a belt or a hairbrush, or even a wooden spoon from the kitchen. In the end, the woman trusted her two mates to keep her safe and they escaped off into a distant land, where they raised a family and lived happily after.
Aimee was thoroughly distracted and tensed as soon as the credits began rolling across the screen. Cole looked to Tobias and nodded, and he disappeared down the hall. Luke smirked back at him knowingly. It was time for him to discipline her. His palm twitched in anticipation.
Cole took a deep breath, knowing that he had to be firm with his new wife and an image of her shapely bottom over his lap came to mind, causing his cock to harden almost instantly. He shifted slightly in order to find relief, but nearly groaned upon the realization that his hard shaft wouldn’t relent until it found a home deep between her legs.
With a heavy swallow, he turned his head and met her eyes.
“I want you to go fetch your hairbrush from the bathroom counter. Then, I want you to bend over and place your head against my chest. Tobias is going to put the purple plug in your naughtiest hole. Once that’s in place, I’m going to paddle that backside of yours until it’s red and hot and you’ve learned your lesson not to defy me.”
“Please, Cole, you don’t have to punish me, I promise to behave better in the future. I don’t want a spanking,” she whined, her lower lip quivering a little and Cole’s heart melted just a tiny bit. He steeled himself, knowing he had to stand firm with his little vixen regardless of the pout on her lips.
Tobias came back into the living room with a butt plug in his hand and Cole smiled when he realized the man had picked the slightly larger sapphire version.
With a heavy sigh of defeat at her situation, she climbed up off his lap and wandered down the hall. She moved so slowly that Cole almost went to fetch her, but just when he was about to get off the couch, she returned, carrying the heavy wooden hairbrush he had brushed her hair with just the other day. He moved his hand forward expectantly and she very reluctantly handed him the implement.
Despite the fact that he knew she was terribly nervous, he could see the telltale signs of arousal painting her body. First, her eyes dilated quite a bit, the black of her pupils blocking much of the blue of her irises. Her nipples pebbled underneath the soft cotton shirt and her cheeks had a slight pink color. Her breath was shallow and unsteady and if he wanted to check, he had no doubt he would find her delectable juices coating her thighs.
He smiled. He couldn’t wait to redden those disobedient globes until she learned her lesson. He would teach her that he was not to be disobeyed.
“Bend over, Aimee, your naughty bottom is about to be punished, both inside and out,” he said, narrowing his eyes at his beautiful mate.
Chapter Nine
Aimee’s lower lip trembled with trepidation as she slowly bent at the waist, feeling Tobias’s incredibly dominant presence behind her and staring into Cole’s no-nonsense gaze as she placed her hands on either side of his hips. He gently nudged her
ankles with his feet, making her spread her legs nice and wide. Her legs shook slightly and she cursed herself for the thousandth time for testing him. She didn’t usually swear, but his proclamation for her to watch her language had irritated her to no end. She’d acted out and now she was about to get punished for it. Why had she insisted on testing him?
She looked over at Luke, hoping maybe he would help her get out of her current predicament. He shrugged his shoulders.
“Take off that shirt of hers. I want to see her completely naked,” he ordered with a smirk and Cole grinned in return, made quick work of the button-up shirt she had commandeered off one of the closet shelves.
“Oh, please,” she whined, exceedingly aware of the dichotomy of her stark naked body and their fully clothed ones. Despite the fact that she should be nervous, her body trilled with unmet desire, her breasts were heavy with lust, and her clit throbbed in tune with her steady heartbeat. With a deep swallow, she was fully aware that Tobias and Luke could see everything between her legs, including the juices that were escaping her folds and dripping down her inner thighs.
“Look at that, guys. You see how swollen she is down there? How wet she is? Christ, I just want to sink my cock into that gorgeous pussy,” Luke remarked and the other two laughed in response. She groaned, positive that her face had turned an even darker shade of red than before.
Regardless of her shame, she was intrigued by the situation; in fact, she rather enjoyed it. She loved being at their mercy, being on display for their pleasure.
Cole took a hold of her forearms, leaving her restrained, which heated her body even further. Tobias dragged his rough fingers up the backs of her thighs to the lower curve of her buttocks, before delving into the space between her cheeks. She yelped as he grazed over her tight rim of muscle and groaned when he spread a cool liquid lubricant over her sensitive skin. Before long, her tight rosette would be stretched wide and the hairbrush would be paddling her naughty globes.