Take Me Daddy: A Dark Irish Mafia Romance Read online




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19



  Books of the Kept as His Series

  Mafia and Billionaire Romances by Sara Fields

  Books of the Wolf Kings Series

  Books of the Alpha Brotherhood Series

  Books of the Omegaborn Trilogy

  Books of the Vakarran Captives Series

  Sci-Fi and Paranormal Romances by Sara Fields

  Books of the Captive Brides Series

  Books of the Terranovum Brides Series

  More Stormy Night Books by Sara Fields

  About the Author

  Copyright © 2022 by Stormy Night Publications and Sara Fields

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Stormy Night Publications and Design, LLC.


  Fields, Sara

  Take Me, Daddy

  Cover Design by Korey Mae Johnson

  Images by Shutterstock/LightField Studios, Shutterstock/Infografx

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults.



  The night my ex came home was the worst day of my life.

  It was supposed to be a homecoming to remember, with a welcome party in the backyard while he cooked hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill. I even had all the fixings to make frozen margaritas for all our guests, but that’s not at all how it went.

  I cancelled the whole thing before his car careened up our gravel driveway.

  He stumbled up the stoop and crashed through the door at seven o’clock, which was four hours later than he told me he’d come home by.

  I smelled the alcohol on his rancid breath as soon as he walked inside. He reeked of stale beer and cheap whiskey. There was vomit and lipstick smeared into his collar.

  I should have been happy to see my husband, the man I’d fallen in love with more than four years ago, the man who had given me my beautiful three-year-old daughter.

  He’d never been a good man, but a fairly decent one, at least that’s what I told myself as he stared at me with fury and disdain like I wasn’t worth more than a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of his shoe.

  I straightened my shirt, trying to smooth out the wrinkles. When was the last time I washed it? What was I even wearing underneath it?

  We’d never been well off. The two of us had always struggled to get the bills paid. Before my daughter was born, I’d been putting myself through community college full time. Being a mom and going to school had proven difficult though, so I’d dropped my course load significantly since then so that I only took one or two online classes a semester. I’d tried to look into getting a job, but then I’d have to put Emma in daycare and that cost more than I would make.

  So, I had become a stay-at-home mom because I had to be.

  To support us, Trevor had joined the army and two years ago, he’d been deployed to Iraq. Now he was finally back.

  This was supposed to be a happy moment, but women talk. He hadn’t been sent home after a successful deployment spent overseas. Instead, he’d been dishonorably discharged ninety days before his tour was supposed to end.

  I hadn’t found out why until a week ago.

  Trevor had assaulted and raped a female civilian. It had been so terrible that the other members of his unit had to pull him off her. No one knew the context of what exactly happened, but his mission had been severely compromised, and another soldier had gotten killed.

  His time in the military was over.

  He’d lost his pay, his benefits, everything, and after all that, he intended to come back and live with us.

  I should have left before he walked through that door. Instead, I told myself that maybe he was going through post-traumatic stress, or something fucked up like that, anything to explain why such a terrible thing could have happened. He’d provided for us for years now and I thought that should have counted for something.

  I was a foolish girl. I had given him a chance and I shouldn’t have.

  Now I was going to pay for that choice.

  He seethed in the doorway, glancing at Emma who was sitting silently in her booster seat, then at my plate on the table. I’d cooked her favorite, Mom’s special macaroni and cheese.

  “Lazy bitch. Where’s my dinner?” he slurred. He bobbed back and forth before leaning on the doorframe. I had no doubt he would have fallen if not for the support that came with it.

  “I wasn’t expecting…”

  “The fuck you were. They told you I was coming. You didn’t even have the decency to pick me up from the fort,” he garbled. He said something else, but I couldn’t quite make it out, his words incoherent.

  “Emma had a doctor’s appointment this afternoon. I couldn’t make it,” I tried to explain, lying because I thought it might be the easiest route through his anger.

  He took a step inside the room and wavered, stepping from foot to foot sloppily. His eyes were glassy from the booze. He was absolutely plastered. There would be no talking through this. The most important thing was protecting my daughter.

  I rounded the table slowly, trying not to call attention to my movements. I needed to get closer to my daughter. I had to make sure she stayed safe. It didn’t matter what he did to me. He wasn’t going to touch her.

  “Daddy?” she asked hopefully.

  His murderous gaze centered on her. I needed to distract him immediately.

  “Welcome home, my love. Why don’t you sit down on the couch, and I’ll get you a drink,” I greeted, changing my whole demeanor. I smiled so hard my cheeks hurt, faking everything and trying to put him at ease long enough so that I could come up with a plan. He wavered for a moment, before slogging over to the sunken-in couch and sitting down in a rush. The couch groaned at the sudden weight.

  I said nothing.

  I dug into the cabinet, finding an old bottle of unopened Jack Daniel’s that had been pushed back behind everything years ago. It was dusty enough that I had to wipe it down before I popped it open, picked out a decently clean glass, and poured him a little.

  “Let me get Emma to bed and then we can spend some time together. I’ve missed you, Trev,” I began, offering him the glass.

  He glared at me but took the drink and sipped it. I honestly doubted he could even taste it.

  “Good stuff, at least,” he muttered.

  I went back to the table and picked Emma up out of the booster seat. She protested immediately.

  “No! I’m not done, and I want Daddy,” she screamed. She’d been fighting me all night to eat her dinner. She was in this weird phase where she hated everything she had previously liked, even if it had just been last week, and I was struggling to get past it with her. She’d always loved mac and cheese but was being particularly difficult tonight. I struggled to hold her, and a dangerous gleam came over Trevor’s face.

  “Can’t even be a mom and keep your kid quiet,” he grumbled.

  “She’s your daughter too,” I scoffed.

  Emma started kicking and screaming in my arms. I tried to soothe her. This wasn’t like her. She was typically shy and looked to me any time anything was different. Routine made her feel secure. I was putting her to bed earlier than normal, but I really didn’t want her to be around him for any longer than she had to be, especially with him like this.

  “Shhh, Emma. You’ll be able to see him in the morning,” I pacified her. Her cries only got louder, and I bounced her on my hip.

  That always made her feel better. Her crying lessened a little, but it didn’t stop.

  “Shut that fucking kid up!” he roared.

  If he’d just yelled at us, that would have been one thing, but it hadn’t ended there.

  It got so much worse.

  Furiously, he shot to his feet. He chugged down the rest of his whiskey, slung his arm back, and threw the heavy glass toward me and Emma. I ducked down as much as I could with her in my arms and the glass slammed into the wall, shattering just over my head. The fragments landed on top of my hair. Time seemed to slow as the shards bounced off my shoulders and clinked down to the floor. Some of them landed on top of her hair and for the first time in my life, I was thankful for the thick mop of reddish blonde curls on her head.

  I stilled, only now noticing that I’d curved my body around Emma’s in order to protect her. She’d gone quiet and I drew in a hesitant breath, nervous to make any sudden movements while also knowing that I needed to get out of there.

  Bravely, I stood back up, staring down at the pieces of sharp glass below my feet. Gently, I used my one free arm to b
rush the broken glass from her head and from mine second. I cut my fingers, but I barely notice. I stepped over them carefully and made my way down the hallway. Thankfully, he didn’t follow. As soon as I made it to Emma’s room, I closed the door behind me and cleared my throat, trying to swallow every ounce of fear inside me so that my daughter wouldn’t see just how bad this really was.

  “What’s going on, Mommy?” she asked, her voice small and timid.

  “Nothing, sweetheart. It’s time for bed. Can you be a good girl for Mommy and go to sleep?” I replied softly.

  “I’m not tired,” she pouted. Her blue eyes sparkled with unshed tears, and I wanted to do everything I could to take those away. I reached for her, brushing a stray hair off her forehead.

  “What if I made you a deal? Would you like to use Mommy’s tablet? You can even use my headphones if you like,” I offered.

  “Can I watch a movie?” she asked, her eyes already brightening with excitement. She loved some of the older Disney films these days. Her current obsession was Cinderella. She’d watched it yesterday, but that didn’t much matter. She could see it every day and not tire of it.

  “Yes. But only because it’s a special occasion,” I grinned. “Can you get in your PJs for me?”

  She nodded and quickly skipped over to her dresser. She’d been practicing getting dressed all on her own, mostly for bedtime at least, so I’d put all her pajamas in the lowest drawer. She struggled it get it open at first, but once she got past the point where it usually stuck, she squealed with glee. She picked out a pink unicorn nightie, putting it on the bed so she could look it over and fully decide it was the perfect outfit for the night. She pulled her t-shirt over her head, leaving it on the floor in a pile with the rest of her outfit.

  In the meantime, I unplugged my tablet from the charger and plugged in her headphones. I didn’t want her to hear what happened next. I handed her the tablet and checked her pull-up, seeing that it was still clean.

  “Ohhh! Goodie!” she exclaimed. I tucked her in, and she tapped the screen a few times to bring up her movie. She’d been able to figure that part out all on her own about two weeks ago and I’d been so proud. That was my daughter. She was such a smart little thing.

  I hoped that she would have a better life than me.

  I kissed her forehead and switched off the light.

  “Sweet dreams, my Emma,” I whispered, but she was already engrossed in her movie. That left me about ninety minutes to do what I needed to get done. I closed the door as silently as I could before I stole into the bathroom. With as much stealth as I could muster, I opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed an old prescription bottle from the back.

  It was Klonopin, a sleeping medicine I’d been prescribed back after I’d had Emma. I hadn’t liked how it made me feel, so I never used it more than the one time. I read the label, reading the prescription instructions intended for a small woman and knowing he’d need more than me.

  I put several tablets into my pill crusher. I’d bought the thing back when Emma was younger because it was easier to grind down whatever pills she needed to take and mixing it in her baby food rather than getting her to swallow it whole.

  I hid the container with the crushed pills in my palm and went back into the kitchen. Trevor had sat back down on the couch and turned on the television. He’d picked up my own bowl of mac and cheese and was polishing it off. I noticed that Emma’s was gone too. While he was distracted, I grabbed another glass and dumped half the contents of the crushed pills into it. I poured a very healthy portion of whiskey and swirled it around until the sleeping pills dissolved completely.

  I made my way back over to him and handed him the drink, playing the part of the perfect doting wife. He glanced at me and then back at the television.

  “I can’t get anything other than kid’s stuff,” he whined.

  I didn’t say anything as I grabbed the remote. It took a few steps, but I pulled up a superhero movie and started playing it.

  “That’s more like it,” he slurred.

  He settled into the couch, and I just sat there on the opposite end. He didn’t reach for me or even acknowledge that he’d attempted to attack both his wife and his daughter tonight. To him, it was almost as if it didn’t even happen. In all honesty, he probably wouldn’t remember it in the morning.

  He didn’t sip the whiskey I gave him. He gulped it down and passed me the glass. I put a second dose of sleeping pills into his drink, wanting to make sure he had enough for a man of his size but not enough to kill him. I just wanted to make sure he was out for a good long time. I handed him the refilled glass and he downed it too.

  A half hour later, he was starting to get drowsy. Forty-five minutes later, he had begun to nod off. An hour later, he was fully passed out on the couch.

  I got up and started washing the dishes. When he didn’t move at that amount of noise, I knew he was fully asleep and would be for a long time. I stole off down the hallway and packed my bags as quickly as humanly possible. My closet wasn’t particularly large, so I stuffed it all into one big bag. I’d hidden a stash of cash under the mattress, so I made sure to pack that too so that the two of us would at least have a chance at a fresh start. I tossed the bag out the window when I was ready.

  I snuck into Emma’s room. She was still fully into her movie as I stuffed everything of hers into the rest of the luggage we owned. I grabbed a backpack, making sure I didn’t leave any of her doggie stuffed animals behind. Her favorite one was next to her in bed, and I made a mental note to make sure not to forget that either.

  I snuck out the back door on the opposite side of the house, quickly loading the trunk of my dark gray Ford Explorer. I stole back into the house, risking more time in order to be able to pack all of her diapers I had stored in the bathroom closet. When I was finally ready, I peeked back into the living room.

  Trevor hadn’t moved a single inch. I could still see his chest rising and falling, but he was fully out. I breathed a sigh of relief.

  I grabbed one last backpack, grabbing her favorite snacks from the cupboard before I snuck back into her room. I sat down beside her and put on a smile, holding her favorite stuffie in my arms.

  “Mommy has a surprise for you,” I began.

  “A surprise?” she asked sleepily. Her eyes were droopy, and she looked to be minutes away from falling asleep herself.

  “You and I are going on a trip,” I said quietly.


  “Yup! We must be really quiet though. It’s dark outside and we don’t want to wake up any of the monsters living in the woods, do we?”

  “No. No monsters, Mommy,” she replied seriously, as if she’d just taken on the most important mission in the world. I pulled off her nightie and replaced it with a pair of sweats.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, unable to keep her excitement at bay.

  “I’ll tell you once we get into the car,” I said, while pulling a pair of thick socks over her feet. I grabbed the tablet, chargers, and headphones and put them in the backpack too. I passed her stuffie and she held it tight as I hefted her onto my hip.

  “Quiet for Mommy now,” I whispered.

  My daughter clung to me as we snuck through the dark hallway, out the back door, and into my car. I clipped her snugly into her car seat and jumped into my side of the car. I rushed to turn the key, praying that I’d given him enough so that he wouldn’t hear the engine turn over.

  In terror, I stared at the door as I pulled away.

  It never opened.

  And I escaped.

